Thursday, June 27, 2013

Andrew Cain, 19, Commits Suicide After Sheriff's Office Posts Sarcastic Facebook Message

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Andrew Cain, 19, Commits Suicide After Sheriff's Office Posts Sarcastic Facebook Message

A Washington teenager committed suicide Sunday after a local sheriff's department published a sarcastic Facebook post about him, according to multiple reports. The Latah County Sheriff's Office in Idaho had posted a photo of 19-year-old Pullman, Wash., resident Andrew Cain alongside a message saying, “We have decided that Andrew Cain is no longer the Wanted Person of the Week… he is the Wanted Person of the Month of June. Congratulations!," according to local CBS affiliate KREM-TV. A few days later, Cain took his own life.

The Snowden Case What You're Not Being Told - Storm Clouds Gathering Video

Is something going on with the Edward Snowden case that Americans still don't know about? What about this recent revelation from former Congressman Ron Paul, who said on his Facebook page: "My understanding is that espionage means giving secret or classified information to the enemy. Since Snowden shared information with the American people, his indictment for espionage could reveal (or confirm) that the US Government views you and me as the enemy." If nothing else, has this Edward Snowden case confirmed that the American people ARE THE ENEMY of the US Government? That surely would explain the Department of Homeland Security thugs stocking up on hollow point bullets, wouldn't it?

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