Saturday, August 10, 2013

Wikileaks Julian Assange Responds To Obama's Press Conference On America's Global Surveillance Program

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Wikileaks Julian Assange Responds To Obama's Press Conference On America's Global Surveillance Program

Today (August 9, 2013) the President of the United States validated Edward Snowden’s role as a whistleblower by announcing plans to reform America’s global surveillance program. But rather than thank Edward Snowden, the President laughably attempted to criticize him while claiming that there was a plan all along, “before Edward Snowden.” Edward Snowden The simple fact is that without Snowden’s disclosures, no one would know about the programs and no reforms could take place. As Thomas Jefferson so eloquently once stated, “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” Luckily for the citizens of the world, Edward Snowden is one of those “people of good conscience” who did not “remain silent”, just as Pfc Bradley Manning and Daniel Ellsberg refused to remain silent. Ironically, the Department of Justice is betraying two key principles that President Obama championed when he ran for office ­ transparency and protection for whistleblowers.

Incredible Giant Maya Carvings Found in Guatemala (Video & Photos)

By Susan Duclos Archaeologists have found a "once in a lifetime" discovery in northeastern Guatemala. The carvings depic rulers and the gods, some decorated in jade. It is described as a well-preserved 26-by-8-feet frieze buried beneath a temple in Holmul. Approximately 200 years later a pyramid was built on top of the frieze.

Germany Launches Encrypted Email!

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Germany Launches Encrypted Email!

. Communications sent between Germany’s two leading email providers will now be encrypted to provide better security against potential NSA surveillance. Experts say the move will do little to thwart well-equipped snoopers. The "E-mail made in Germany" project has been set up in the wake of US surveillance revelations made by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

7 Critical Steps to Take Following a Disaster

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7 Critical Steps to Take Following a Disaster

This article was written by Gaye Levy and originally posted on Backdoor Survival. 7 Critical Steps to Take Following a Disaster
Without question, when a major disaster hits an area, entire communities are affected in ways that are unimaginable. And while it is nice to think that the rescue squad will be trotting by to help at any moment, we all know that is not true.
It is not for a lack of trying. Local responders such as fire departments, police departments, EMTs, military personnel and even members of the local Red Cross are likely to be stuck in the throes of the disaster just like you are.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Michael Savage Says Russian Soldiers To Be In Charge with Fema New Law Passed

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Michael Savage Says Russian Soldiers To Be In Charge with Fema New Law Passed

At a time when President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin appear to be clashing over the extradition of Edward Snowden, it’s hard to imagine signing an agreement that allows Russian troops to provide security at events on US soil… but that’s exactly what the Obama Administration did recently. According to an agreement signed in Washington, DC last week between FEMA and the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry, Russian troops can now be deployed to provide security at so-called “National Special Security Events,” such as the Super Bowl and G8 summits. This is a perfect example of the smoke and mirrors tactic that the Obama Administration has been using throughout his presidency. Their motto is:
”Never let a crisis go to waste.” In this case, they’re simply using the NSA crisis to distract Americans as they adopt disastrous measures to weaken American sovereignty.

‘Mother F****r Racist Sons of B*****s From Hell: Wedding Venue Gets Threats, After Refusing Gay Wedding

Excerpted from THE BLAZE – Another business is facing retribution for declining service to a same-sex couple. Betty and Dick Odgaard, owners of Görtz Haus Gallery in Grimes, Iowa, are catching the ire of gay rights advocates after they declined offering their venue to Lee Stafford and his fiance Jared.
Now the owners, who are Christians, are receiving vicious and threatening emails and phone calls — and they fear that their business could shut down because of the fierce reaction.
It was less than one week ago that the Lee and Jared entered Görtz Haus looking for additional information about holding their wedding there. After Dick realized that it would be a gay ceremony, he told the couple that they would not be able to hold their nuptials at the establishment — and that’s when the controversy erupted.
“It started with emails and we noticed the emails were from a person with a name that looked like a man’s name. We’re a little suspicious about it and … two fellows walked in and that’s where it all began,” Dick told TheBlaze on Friday.

Update On Police Beating A Woman- Extended, Unedited Footage Released (Graphic Disturbing Video)

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Update On Police Beating A Woman- Extended, Unedited Footage Released (Graphic Disturbing Video)

By Susan Duclos On Wednesday, August 7, 2013, I wrote an article about two Quad Cities police officers who attacked and beat a female shoplifter who was sitting in a store's security office. The video shown was 2 minutes, 11 seconds, and now a complete version, unedited has been released of that beating. Keep in mind the cops in the video are still on the job, after some unspecified disciplinary action. Decide for yourself after watching the entire beating if these so-called men should be allowed to continue to wear a badge.

Insurrection Through Violence Inevitable If Government Doesn't Redistribute Wealth, Says Chicago School Teacher (Video)

By Susan Duclos Approved by race-baiter Jesse Jackson, who can be seen patting Chicago school teacher Timothy Meegan, who teaches at Roosevelt High School, on the back after a short statement where he says it is the governments job to redistribute wealth and "insurrection through violence is inevitable" if the government does not do so. Mr. Meegan said this as union protesters gathered outside an ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council) anniversary celebratory meeting in Chicago on August 8. A couple points here about some of the comments heard in the video where Meegan attacks capitalism and the free market.

Obama Flips Off NBC’s Chuck Todd For Daring To Question Him At Press Conference (Video)

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Obama Flips Off NBC’s Chuck Todd For Daring To Question Him At Press Conference (Video)

It suddle but It sorta looks like he really did, lol. Oops... Props to Chuck Todd for the 'jab' to Obama. Snowden is the biggest embarrsment to his administration and every administration before him who conducted the kind of surveilance we now know occurs on a daily basis to everyday Americans.

Plane Hits Connecticut Homes: Three Missing (Video & Photos)

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Plane Hits Connecticut Homes: Three Missing (Video & Photos)

By Susan Duclos A a small plane has crashed near a Connecticut airport on Friday, leaving three people, including two children missing. East Haven Mayor Joseph Maturo says the missing include the one person on the plane and two children in the house, ages 1 and 13. The city's fire chief, Douglas Jackson, says officials "presume there is going to be a very bad outcome." The multi-engine, propeller-driven plane struck two small homes a few blocks from Tweed New Haven Airport as it came in for a landing. Source:

Russian Meteor Part of 656' Wide Asteroid? (Video)

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Russian Meteor Part of 656' Wide Asteroid? (Video)

By Susan Duclos With the recent news that there may be a gang of followers, along the same trajectory of the meteor that hit Russia back in February, the Daily Mail report that the 55-foot wide, 10,000 ton meteor that hit Russia, causing a 50-foot hole in a frozen lake near Chelyabinsk, is incredible timing. It is believed that the meteor that crashed in Russia was part of the Apollo asteroid called 2011 EO40, that had broken off and came crashing to Earth,blasting out windows, disrupting mobile connections and collapsing buildings. The 2011 EO40 is said to originally have been a 656-foot wide asteroid which broke apart. The meteor fireball, also known as a superbolide, is the biggest space rock to have hit earth in more than a hundred years and the shockwave caused by the crash was greater than 30 Hiroshima nuclear bombs according to NASA scientists at the time.

Marc Faber: A 1987-Style Crash Is Coming

CNBC The S&P has rallied 19 percent in 2013, which is impressive by any measure. But the market did far better in 1987, when stocks added more than 30 percent from the beginning of the year to Aug. 8. The problem?

Life on Europa, Space Water And Incoming CMEs

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Life on Europa, Space Water And Incoming CMEs

Scientists are coming around and acknowleging the presence of vast amounts of water in the universe which, like the electric universe discoveries, will revamp scientific thought. Be sure to click on the space water link he refers to in this video. Meanwhile those two CMEs are about to reach Earth.

10-Yr-Old Girl Arrested For Raping A 4-Yr-Old Boy (Video)

By Susan Duclos Last week a 10-year-old Texas girl was arrested, fingerprinted, put into a prison jumpsuit and locked up in a cell for allegedly raping a 4-year-old boy. Houston Police confirmed an incident was reported back in April and a juvenile sex crimes investigator was assigned to the case, resulting in the arrest last week. "Me and my mom were crying and then she took me to the police car," said the little girl. "I didn't want to get in." "Just to see her looking through those bars screaming for me to get her out was a nightmare," added the mom.

Feds Tell Texas Terror Attack Imminent: Force Protection Alert For Texas & California - August 9th & 29th - Bracing For Al-Qaeda Backpack Attacks

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Feds Tell Texas Terror Attack Imminent: Force Protection Alert For Texas & California - August 9th & 29th - Bracing For Al-Qaeda Backpack Attacks

A 'Force Protection Alert' has been put out for Austin, Texas and Pasadena, California for the 9th and 29th of August according to this story from Infowars and an actual screenshot of the document below. Law enforcement agencies across Texas have been notified of a potential Al-Qaeda attack during these time periods that coincide with Muslim holidays. Is this just more fuel being added to the 'fear fire' created by these latest round of terror threats, a set-up for a false flag or is there something to it this time? Alex Jones breaks the situation down in the video below "Feds Tell Texas Terror Attack Imminent." Kurt Nimmo August 8, 2013 Law enforcement agencies in Texas have received a special threat advisory based on information provided by the Department of Homeland Security indicating Austin, Texas, has been singled out for a terrorist attack on Friday, August 9.

Over 100 Countries BAN US Milk from Cows Treated with recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone - Yet Back Home, Monsanto & Milk Industry do not Clearly Label Milk From rBGH-treated Cows Isn't that a Crime?

Why is US-produced milk banned in Europe? It turns out that in 1994, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the use of recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH). In an attempt to protect its citizens from GM milk, the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the U.N. Food Safety Agency representing 101 nations worldwide, has banned rBGH milk in the 101 nations that it represents.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Lavabit; NSA/USA “Capable” With An Undesirable Outcome(s)

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Lavabit; NSA/USA “Capable” With An Undesirable Outcome(s)

from wepollock We are capable of many things;
Having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing.
Able to achieve efficiently whatever one has to do; competent.
Capable within the context of fear and paranoia; – Missile gap – Arms Race
Sometimes we are Capable of doing things without fully knowing the ramifications -connection between vinyl chloride in hairspray propellent and cancer. -PCB’s in the hudson river from GE between 1947 and 1977 – Fukushima
NSA has allot of capabilities and they will be used with an undesirable outcome – Use it or lose it -Tremendous reach Lavabit shut down Edward Snowden’s email provider Tweet

Ginger Can Kill Cancer Cells and More

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Ginger Can Kill Cancer Cells and More

Not only is ginger a culinary marvel, its health benefits are stunning. It has been shown to be more effective against staph infections than antibiotics—and without the adverse effects. Ginger’s culinary qualities are a delight, but its health benefits are simply stunning. It has been shown to be more effective against bacterial staph infections than antibiotics.

Free Respirators for Ore. Fire Victims, 2010 BP Gulf Oil Victims Left To Die

Editorial Due to very unhealthy air from smoke concentrations in Douglas and Jackson Counties measured at a level considered Very Unhealthy, free respirators have been offered to residents, unlike the government's denial of such aid to Gulf Coasters when they were exposed to BP's oil and the government's carpet-bombed lethal Corexit. Unlike during the initial peak of the 2010 BP Gulf oil catastrophe, when air was poisoned from BP wrecking the Macondo Prospect well and Corexit was carpet-bombed throughout the region, according to KDRV, Oregon residents are being offered a breathing aid and advice about how to avoid ill-health. Oregonians reap health care during fire disaster Thanks to the Red Cross and AllCare, respirators are being provided free of charge to residents suffering in today's worst hit areas of wildfires: Jackson County and Douglas County. KDRV reports the respirators can be obtained from the Red Cross at 60 Hawthorne St, Medford on Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m.

Part 24: Bicycling the Continental Divide—Mexico to Canada—Lewis and Clark expedition

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Part 24: Bicycling the Continental Divide—Mexico to Canada—Lewis and Clark expedition

By Frosty Wooldridge ““Remember what Bilbo Baggins used to say: It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”” Tolkien White Sulfur Springs faded in our rear view mirrors, but I kept watching Robert look back. I think Sarah made an impression on him. As for me, I rarely see a woman of her dynamic caliber in little towns.

Default Feared – Gold & Silver Paper Claims Hit All-Time Highs

On the heels of continued anti-gold propaganda on the part of the mainstream media, today, from Singapore, Grant Williams warned King World News that paper gold and silver claims have hit a new all-time high. This is fueling fears that a default will take place at the LBMA and COMEX. KWN is pleased to share this extraordinarily powerful and exclusive piece with our global readers. Once again, this is a warning to all global market participants to brace themselves for a coming default on one or both of the metals exchanges.

95 Yr Old WWII Veteran Killed After Being Tased & Shot By Police

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95 Yr Old WWII Veteran Killed After Being Tased & Shot By Police

The American Legion Greetings from Sturgis, SD on a delightful day which is blemished only by this story which has me fairly furious: When John Wrana was a young man, fit and strong and fighting in World War II with the U.S. Army Air Corps, did he ever think he'd end this way? Just a few weeks shy of his 96th birthday, in need of a walker to move about, cops coming through the door of his retirement home with a Taser and a shotgun. The old man, described by a family member as "wobbly" on his feet, had refused medical attention.

Blackhawk-SWAT Raid on DHS Whistleblowers (Video)

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Blackhawk-SWAT Raid on DHS Whistleblowers (Video)

By Susan Duclos Via notification from PR Newswire for Journalists by email: Former U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officer Julia Davis and her husband, movie producer BJ Davis, share video clips of the DHS raid of their home with a Blackhawk helicopter and 27 man SWAT team, following her report to the FBI that 23 aliens from known terrorist countries entered the U.S. on a high alert terror date of Fourth of July. She disclosed to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force that the aliens entered without being interrogated, finger printed or screened for which the DHS took intensive retaliatory action against her for merely performing her job as U S.

Obama Military Coup Avoided? 4 Nuke Strikes & Armageddon Watch Over Syria

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Obama Military Coup Avoided? 4 Nuke Strikes & Armageddon Watch Over Syria

This story today from PressTV is disturbing in more ways than one. According to experts watching the situation in Syria unfold, there have now been 4 tactical nuclear strikes upon Syria. Strangely enough, this same story claims that a 'coup' against US President Barack Obama has been avoided because of the situation in Syria. What are we to believe?

Hunting Humans In Bahrain With Shotguns

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Hunting Humans In Bahrain With Shotguns

Humans are being hunted like animals in Bahrain according to M. Matar at Bahrain Freedom Matar writes, "Usually when we see a protest anywhere in the world, we expect that the riot police is going to stop them with teargas, water cannons, or even rubber bullets. Most of these weapons are considered harmless by the governments or at least they seem to be so. But what about Shotguns!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Former Border Patrol Agents: US Politicians Helping Mexican Drug Cartels Operate In US--

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Former Border Patrol Agents: US Politicians Helping Mexican Drug Cartels Operate In US--

by Monica Davis Does a bought politician stay bought? If powerful drug cartels are planting the seeds of corruption inside our political, law enforcement and military system, do those they pay off remain loyal? We accept the fact that our militarized police forces are fighting the War On.Terror, Drugs, Illegal Aliens. But what are they really fighting?

An Ice Age Every 100,000 Years: Why? See 122,000 Year Simulation Of Ice Sheets

Science struggled to explain fully why an ice age occurs every 100,000 years. As researchers now demonstrate based on a computer simulation, not only do variations in insolation play a key role, but also the mutual influence of glaciated continents and climate. During the last ice age northern regions of America, Europe and Asia were covered under thick ice sheets. (Illustration: Ittiz / Wikipedia) Ice ages and warm periods have alternated fairly regularly in the Earth’s history: the Earth’s climate cools roughly every 100,000 years, with vast areas of North America, Europe and Asia being buried under thick ice sheets.

Outrageous: La. Parish Says Jailed 14-year-old Consented to Repeated Rape by Corrections Officer

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Outrageous: La. Parish Says Jailed 14-year-old Consented to Repeated Rape by Corrections Officer

Rape victimization common 60 years ago in elsewhere is still alive and well in South Louisiana where a parish says it should not be held liable for a detention center correction officer raping a mentally distressed 14-year-old girl, who had a history of being abused as a child, because she consented to being repeatedly sexually assaulted. A 40-year-old corrections officer at the facility raped the girl, now 20 and filing charges against her assailant, former guard Angelo Vickers, and against Terrebonne Parish. Government commits documentary sexual assault against child “To say that a 14-year-old mentally and emotionally distressed girl with a history of having been abused and neglected as a child should be found at fault for consenting to be raped by a male guard while in confinement at the hands of my local government, which is charged with the responsibility of keeping her safe, not only sets the cause of children’s advocacy back a hundred years, but I believe the parish government commits ‘documentary’ sexual assault against the child by taking this position in a public record,” she remarked in a letter to parish attorneys," Carolyn McNabb, an area attorney and child advocate, stated in a lletter to parish attorneys. Hamilton is one among many locals harshly criticizing the parish’s victim-blaming, The parish’s defense “has no basis in law,” says Marci Hamilton, a sex crime victim advocate and professor at Benjamin Cardozo Law School in New York.

Cops Beat Female Shoplifter - Caught On Camera (Video)

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Cops Beat Female Shoplifter - Caught On Camera (Video)

By Susan Duclos Despite all the honest, good cops out there, recently there has been a slew of police brutality instances caught on camera, as is the example shown in the video below. Brandie Redell, 34, was admittedly shoplifting, was caught and brought to the security offer where two Quad Cities police officers were present. Rendell was on the phone and the cop rushes over to her, pushes her down and proceeds to start beating her. Rendell's infant daughter was in the room at the time.

9/11: The Pyrotechnic And Explosive Link

07.08.2013 Pravda An article published in a Journal of Chemical Physics, signed by no less than nine experts, analyzing the results of studies on particles taken from the 9/11 event at the World Trade Center in New York City in 2001 makes the most shocking conclusion: "highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material" was discovered. Remember when the World Trade Center collapsed? Quite apart from the shock and awe experienced by most civilized people around the world at the sheer scale of the act of mass murder, quite apart from the indignation at seeing passenger aircraft flying into the buildings, were there not little subconscious question marks chalked up at the way the buildings fell, almost as if in an implosion? Remember the Pentagon "aircraft" strike and all those questions raised as to how two electricity posts would have withstood a passenger aircraft, 200 plus tonnes of metal, hurtling into them and yet they remained upright, remember the fact that only one engine was found from the Boeing 757, except its parts did not match a 757 engine?

How To Build An Underground Greenhouse

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How To Build An Underground Greenhouse

This is amazing! Can you imagine growing food year round in a hostile climate underground? This technique was developed in the mountainous regions of South America for cold weather farming and has been revisited and updated for today. This how-to project can be done for under $300.

Pres. Lucifer Vacays At Martha’s Vineyard Again; Residents Not Happy

The POS’s motorcade jamming traffic on Martha’s Vineyard’s South Road in 2011. The Weekly Standard reports that Obama and his family, once again, will have their summer vacation in the tony and elitist Martha’s Vineyard (MV), arriving this Saturday. The POS had vacationed in MV every summer since 2009, except last year because of his reelection bid. Local papers of Martha’s Vineyard, such as, are warning residents about road closures: “The Secret Service will close South Road to all vehicle traffic near the president’s vacation compound on Snail Road beginning about 2 pm, Saturday afternoon.

Censored: Man Shoots Armed Intruder In Oklahoma - Another Story You Won't Be Hearing About From The MSM

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Censored: Man Shoots Armed Intruder In Oklahoma - Another Story You Won't Be Hearing About From The MSM

A homeowner in Oklahoma has shot an armed intruder in the latest story that you can be sure that you'll never hear about from the propagandist mainstream media. Why does the MSM continue to suppress such stories while lawmakers in DC and in state houses across the country continue to try to deny Americans 2nd Amendment Rights to protect ourselves against criminals such as this and encroaching government tyranny?

Gold Markets Get Strange – Is Economic Danger Near?

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Gold Markets Get Strange – Is Economic Danger Near?

Brandon Smith * Traditionally, metals markets are supposed to be a solid fundamental signal of the physical and psychological health of our overall economy. Steady but uneventful commodities trade meant a generally healthy industrial base and consumption base. An extreme devaluation was a signal of deflation in consumer demand and a flight to currencies. Extreme price hikes meant a flight from normal assets and currencies in the wake of possible hyperinflation.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Forced To Fly In The Nude? Al-Qaeda Develops Ingenious New Liquid That Turns Ordinary Clothing Into Bombs (Video)

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Forced To Fly In The Nude? Al-Qaeda Develops Ingenious New Liquid That Turns Ordinary Clothing Into Bombs (Video)

Since it's not bad enough that the TSA already has their hands down your pants, inside your shirts and are ogling images of your naked bodies, imagine what they must be thinking now that they've 'discovered' that Al-Qaeda has developed an ingenious liquid that turns ordinary clothing into bombs. This story must surely be making the TSA and the Department of Homeland Security scratch their heads in wonderment, or delight, of how they're going to stop this latest threat; clothing bombs. The fact that this liquid bomb is 'undetectable under current security processes' only makes their jobs more difficult, or more easy, if they already have the sickening solution. What might that be?

Impeach Obama Overpass Protests Organized Nationwide

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Impeach Obama Overpass Protests Organized Nationwide

Impeach Obama Campaign Spotted on 2 Connecticut Overpass Bridges and many locations Nationwide WASHINGTON, DC – AUGUST 06: U.S. President Barack Obama walks to a waiting Marine One while departing the White House on August 6, 2013 in Washington, DC. Obama is scheduled to travel to Arizona and California today and return to Washington tomorrow. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images) By Avalon August 6, 2013 Two groups of approximately twenty or more individuals were spotted in Connecticut today, August 6, 2013, waving Impeach Obama signs and attracting the attention of all who traveled Route I-91 North.

Eight States To Get What They Voted For…

(WCJ) -- We can say we were right when we warned them not to trust Barack Obama; but even now, they probably wouldn’t listen. The “takers” and their “guilt-ridden” enablers in eight states that voted for Obama are getting what they voted for: substantially higher healthcare insurance rates. Their greedy nature made it easy for Obama to trick them.“You can’t cheat an honest man,” comes to mind.In the states of Maryland, Oregon, Colorado, Virginia, California, Ohio, Washington, and Rhode Island, the average cost of Obamacare’s basic level healthcare plan – “bronze” – will be 122% more than comparable plans now available to these suckers.A new report from Investor’s Business Daily focusing on insurance rates filed with the Government Accountability Office proves that claims of Obamacare providing cheaper healthcare are the lies we said they would be.Not surprisingly, the Democrat-controlled media has kept a tight lid on this data; but such is to be expected in the Soviet-style America Obama has forced on us.The most frustrating numbers come from Ohio and Virginia, two states that should have known better but may have been overwhelmed on Election Day by a surge of Democrat takers, who as usual, were looking for something for nothing.In Ohio, the cost of a basic “bronze” plan for a 25 year old (a group that supported Obama) will virtually triple to $1,956 a year. Nevertheless, the results of Obamacare are almost as bad in Virginia, where publicly exposed voter fraud plans were ignored by the media.

Comet Ison To Trigger Sun Pole Shift? Is This More Proof Of An 'Electric Universe' & Why Is YouTube Censoring This Video?

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Comet Ison To Trigger Sun Pole Shift? Is This More Proof Of An 'Electric Universe' & Why Is YouTube Censoring This Video?

According to the brand new video below from theoldmarine1, the upcoming reversal of the sun's poles may very well be triggered by the close approach of Comet Ison. According to NASA, the Sun's poles will shift within 3 to 4 months, coinciding exactly with the passing of Ison around the sun. Is this more proof that we live in an electric universe? If not, why are both Google & YouTube censoring the video, "The Electric Comet - Full Documentary", a video that has now also been removed from Vimeo as well? Since that documentary isn't available to watch, the outstanding 2nd video below from Star0bservers shares in the 'electrical nature' of both our Sun and of Comet Ison and why The Old Marine's theory makes total sense: the passing of Comet Ison around the Sun will trigger its pole reversal.

Charges Filed In Benghazi Terrorist Attack (Video)

By Susan Duclos Reports are coming out now that charges have been filed against a suspect in the 9-11 Benghazi terrorist attack that killed four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens. According to those reports, one seen in the video below, the charges are under seal against Ahmed Khattalah, leader of a Libyan militia. It is unclear whether they are the same individuals whose images the FBI released to the public in May.

US Bombs Yemen RAW FOOTAGE - Bomb Hits Anti-American Rally? (Videos & Photos)

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US Bombs Yemen RAW FOOTAGE - Bomb Hits Anti-American Rally? (Videos & Photos)

By Susan Duclos Could the U.S. embassy closures across the world, specifically in Muslim countries have anything to do with the fact that the U.S. was planning and now has bombed Yemen, in four drone strikes? Were the embassies preemptively closed to prevent retaliation?

NY Times Confirms That TSA VIPR Teams are Patrolling American Towns

The mainstream media is now admitting that “TSA VIPR Teams” are conducting warrantless random sweeps at sporting events, music festivals, and train depots, and searching people without probable cause. NEW YORK, NY – FEBRUARY 28: Transportation Security Administration (TSA) workers walk through John F. Kennedy Airport on February 28, 2013 in New York City. Should the $85 billion in automatic federal budget cuts, known as the sequester, go into effect Friday as scheduled, airport control towers in a number of states could close, putting pilots and staff members at risk.

Weiner Confronted By Angry Former Supporter In Brooklyn (Video)

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Weiner Confronted By Angry Former Supporter In Brooklyn (Video)

By Susan Duclos Infamous for his sexting and posting of photos of his genitalia, New York candidate for mayor Anthony Weiner was confronted by a very angry, cursing former supporter at a meet-and-greet with voters in Brooklyn. Jane Borock, 35, yelled "You are disgusting! You are an embarrassment of a third-generation native. Your little overnight sleepover in public housing.

Brandon Smith Speaks At The Oath Keepers Idaho Preparedness Rally - Video

I was very proud to be invited to speak at and participate in the Northwest Self Reliance Rally sponsored by Oath Keepers in Idaho this past week. There were numerous fantastic representatives of the Liberty Movement present, and despite the summer heat, the event went off without a hitch. Workshops were ample, including everything from defending your home, to emergency medical care, to skinning rabbits. The first class I headed included a Q&A session on the economic situation in America and solutions including barter markets, sound money, as well as localization and trade skills.

Nuclear Power Plant Gushes Radiation Into Lake Michigan

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Nuclear Power Plant Gushes Radiation Into Lake Michigan

Last summer, a leaky tank led to the shutdown of the Palisades nuclear power plant in Michigan. So plant owner Entergy patched up the leak, fired back up the reactor, and hoped for the best. But on Saturday the leaky drip turned into a gush, nearly 80 gallons of water containing small amounts of radioactive tritium and possibly trace amounts of cobalt and cesium spewed into Lake Michigan. Early Sunday morning, the tank was ruled inoperable and the nuclear power plant began powering down.

US Special Forces Put On High Alert

American special forces units overseas have been on alert for the past several days for a mission to attack potential al Qaeda targets if those behind the most recent terror threats against U.S. interests can be identified, a senior Obama administration official told CNN. The official declined to identify the units or their locations because of the sensitive nature of the information. The units, along with several others, were put on heightened alert by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel last week.

Inca Children Were Drugged With Coca And Alcohol Before Sacrifice

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Inca Children Were Drugged With Coca And Alcohol Before Sacrifice

Scientists from the Department of Forensic Medicine at the University of Copenhagen have examined the bodies of three 500-year-old Inca children along with scientists from Bradford University in England. This has given new, detailed knowledge about the old Inca ritual ‘capacocha’ which also involved sacrificing humans. The results were published recently in the journal PNAS. The 500-year-old Inca mummie 'The Maiden' is amazingly well preserved.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Gunman Opens Fire at Town Hall Meeting In Pennsylvania (Video)

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Gunman Opens Fire at Town Hall Meeting In Pennsylvania (Video)

By Susan Duclos Three or four dead (conflicting reports) and two critically injured after a gunman opened fire at a town hall meeting in northeastern Pennsylvania. Reports say the gunman shot through the wall then went inside and opened fire. [Update] A fourth person, a woman, was flown to Lehigh Valley Hospital near Allentown. Police initially said she had died, but then said later that she was still in surgery.

Horror As 'Vicious' 16-Foot Python Strangles Brothers, Aged 5 And 7, To Death In Their Sleep After It Escapes From Pet Store And Slithers Through Vent Into Their Room

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Horror As 'Vicious' 16-Foot Python Strangles Brothers, Aged 5 And 7, To Death In Their Sleep After It Escapes From Pet Store And Slithers Through Vent Into Their Room

Boys were sleeping over at an apartment above the Reptile Ocean pet store in Campbellton in New Brunswick, Canada Serpent escaped its cage and slithered up to the apartment through the air ducts Punched a hole in the ceiling and dropped onto boys who were sleeping Royal Canadian Mounted Police have seized the snake and are investigating (Shutterstock) Daily Mail By Michael Zennie PUBLISHED: 17:17 EST, 5 August 2013 | UPDATED: 19:45 EST, 5 August 2013 Two small brothers, age 5 and 7, have been strangled to death in their sleep in Canada, by a massive python that escaped from a pet store below the apartment where the children were staying. The pet store owner Jean-Claude Savoie says the creeping horror slithered into the apartment in Campbellton, New Brunswick, through the ventilation ducts this morning and crawled into the ceiling. It somehow punched a hole in the ceiling and dropped onto the small boys from above. It then coiled around them and crushed them as they slept together on the floor.

Egypt Claims Jihadists Fired US Hellfire Missile At Government Office

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Egypt Claims Jihadists Fired US Hellfire Missile At Government Office

Jihadists in Egypt's lawless Sinai Peninsula are using U.S. weapons to carry out attacks against the temporary government in the wake of the military's ouster of President Mohammed Morsi, according to the embattled nation's Interior Ministry. The government office posted an official statement on its Facebook page along with images of an exploded missile that hit the third floor of a building in the city of el-Arish last week. The post said terrorist forces targeted the North Sinai Security Directorate office with a ballistic missile that struck the third floor facade of the building, leaving three soldiers injured.

U.S. Air Force Flies Cocaine From Costa Rica To Miami

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U.S. Air Force Flies Cocaine From Costa Rica To Miami

A curious cargo airlift operation recently took place at the Daniel Oduber Quiros International Airport (LIR), in the northern province of Guanacaste. According to a news report by Alvaro Sanchez from online news daily CRHoy, nearly 24 tons of cocaine were loaded onto a United States Air Force transport aircraft. The destination of the controversial payload? Miami, a city that once held the infamous title of “Cocaine Capital of the World.” The public affairs office of the Organization of Judicial Investigations (OIJ in Spanish) in Costa Rica explained to CRHoy that the 23 tons and 780 kilograms of powder cocaine hydrochloride were the result of two years of interdiction work by the National Coast Guard Service, the OIJ, the Border Police, and Fuerza Publica (the national police force in Costa Rica).

Benghazi & The Al Qaeda Resurgence - What The Deadly Attack Was Foreshadowing

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Benghazi & The Al Qaeda Resurgence - What The Deadly Attack Was Foreshadowing

By Arnold Ahlert * Canada Free Press According to sources talking to CNN, “including those with deep inside knowledge of the agency’s workings,” 35 CIA agents were on the ground in Benghazi the night ambassador Christopher Stevens, Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, and diplomat Sean Smith, were killed in a terrorist attack. As a result, the agency is making an “unprecedented attempt” to keep what they were doing there a secret. “You have no idea the amount of pressure being brought to bear on anyone with knowledge of this operation,” revealed one of those sources. That pressure apparently includes subjecting agents who were on the ground to “frequent, even monthly” polygraph tests to see if they’ve been talking to either Congress or the media.

Chinese State Media: "Our Collapse Will Be Worse Than The Fall Of The USSR"

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Chinese State Media: "Our Collapse Will Be Worse Than The Fall Of The USSR"

Credit: Casey Research Russell Leigh Moses notes at China Real Time that a recent Xinhua News Agency headline, “The consequences of China’s collapse will be even worse than the Soviet Union’s,” has sparked a strong debate on Chinese social media sites. According to Moses, Xinhua warns that China could face misery and poverty because of “the destabilizing activity of its growing population of microbloggers.” In January Gao Yu at Seeing Red in China published a leaked speech Xi Jinping apparently gave to Party members in which he attributed the Soviet Union’s collapse to the lack of ideological conviction on the part of its Communist leaders. Chinese leaders have long debated the causes of the Soviet Union’s collapse. How bizarre is it to see the state media more or less admit they are on the verge of collapse?

Dead People Donated Nearly $600k In To Campaigns Since 2009 (Video)

By Susan Duclos In recent years we have seen ample examples of the dead walking, so to speak, right into voting booths and voting in elections, but now we come to find out that they don't just vote in congressional and presidential elections, they also donate money. According to an analysis of Federal Election Commission filings, thirty-two people listed as "deceased" have contributed more than $586,000 to congressional and presidential candidates and political parties since Jan. 1, 2009. Evidently people active in elections are allowed to bequeath money to politicians and parties but there are restrictions and contribution limits those donations must comply with.

Another Train Derailment: Nibiru? 26 Car Train Derails In Louisiana Leading To Evacuations

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Another Train Derailment: Nibiru? 26 Car Train Derails In Louisiana Leading To Evacuations

Another train derailment has happened, this time in Louisiana, as a 26-car train went off the tracks. There were flamable liquids aboard this train and evacuations were ordered as shared in the video below from DAHBOO77 . What has been causing all of these train derailments in 2013? Since the story below from the Examiner was written in May of 2013, there have been an additional 15 train derailments!

Help Stop Organ Harvesting from Prisoners of Conscience in China

For years the Chinese communist regime has tried to keep its cruel practice of organ harvesting a secret. However, with the overwhelming pile of evidence listed in U.S. House Resolution 281, it’s possible that the jig is finally up. The resolution, introduced on July 25, aims to help stop organ harvesting from innocent Falun Gong practitioners and other people imprisoned for their beliefs in China.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

6 Reasons Why Eggs Are The Healthiest Food on The Planet

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6 Reasons Why Eggs Are The Healthiest Food on The Planet

Eggs are so nutritious that they’re often referred to as “nature’s multivitamin.”
They also have unique antioxidants and powerful brain nutrients that many people are deficient in.
Here are 6 reasons why eggs are among the healthiest foods on the planet.
1. Whole Eggs Are Among The Most Nutritious Foods on Earth
One whole egg contains an amazing range of nutrients.
Just imagine… the nutrients in there are enough to turn a single fertilized cell into an entire baby chicken.
Eggs are loaded with vitamins, minerals, high quality proteins, good fats and various other lesser-known nutrients.
One large egg contains (1): Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin): 9% of the RDA. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 15% of the RDA. Vitamin A: 6% of the RDA.

San Francisco On Red Alert; Pakistani Capital On Red Alert, What The Hell Is Going On? (Video)

The Department of Homeland Security is beefing up its presence at airports, train stations and other travel hubs in the United States in the wake of global travel warning imposed on all U.S. citizens. Local authorities are not going into specifics but the San Francisco Police Department does acknowledge receiving a bulletin by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and DHS. The SFPD says their officers are monitoring various areas of the city and will determine if additional resources are necessary.

Government Wants To Buy Land And Give It Back To Native American Tribes- ( Video)

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Government Wants To Buy Land And Give It Back To Native American Tribes- ( Video)

No, no, no!! I think I we all can agree that dealing with the US government has NEVER been beneficial to the Native American people. This is as insult, at best. Geez, thanks for giving us back land that wasn't yours to start with!

45 Uses For Lemons That Will Blow Your Socks Off

Most people are familiar with the traditional uses for lemons to soothe sore throats and add some citrus flavor to our foods. However the diversity of applications for lemons far exceeds general knowledge and once you read the following list, you’ll likely want to stock at least a few lemons in your kitchen 24-7.
by John SummerlyPrevent DiseaseAugust 4, 2013
1. Freshen the Fridge Remove refrigerator odors with ease. Dab lemon juice on a cotton ball or sponge and leave it in the fridge for several hours.

Half Of Tor Sites Compromised, Including Tormail

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Half Of Tor Sites Compromised, Including Tormail

The founder of Freedom Hosting has been arrested in Ireland and is awaiting extradition to USA. In a crackdown that FBI claims to be about hunting down pedophiles, half of the onion sites in the TOR network has been compromised, including the e-mail counterpart of TOR deep web, TORmail. This is undoubtedly a big blow to the TOR community, Crypto Anarchists, and more generally, to Internet anonymity. All of this happening during DEFCON.

Doug Hagmann: The Embassy Threat, Proxy War

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Doug Hagmann: The Embassy Threat, Proxy War

Hagmann has proven to be a reliable source in the past. If all this is true, it's a blockbuster.- G.M. By Doug Hagmann There is one thing certain about the publicized threat to our embassies; it is not what it is presented to be. To accept the official explanation of a nebulous threat from al Qaeda as the reason for closing our embassies across the Middle East and North Africa is being dangerously naive and simplistic.
How we arrived hereThis is much more serious than what we are being told, but not for the reasons we are being given.

World War III?

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World War III?

American Thinker By Fay Voshell Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard and regular commentator at Fox news, has said the closing of U.S. embassies in 21 countries is a sign of weakness on the part of the U.S. and suggests capitulation to al-Qaeda. He may be partly right, but chances are that the closing of the embassies auger something far more ominous.

Wikileaks: Edward Snowden’s Wikipedia File Edited From Senate IP Address to Include “Traitor”

| WTF News | IP within U.S. Senate just edited Edward Snowden page on Wikipedia to label him a traitor IP within U.S. Senate just edited Edward #Snowden page on Wikipedia to label him a traitor /xVTTIWVPQK— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) August 3, 2013 For the record, the sensible side of Wikipedia has corrected it to include a more factual description. Changed to traitor Reversed "Let's stick to the facts" Shenanigans

Truck Jumps Over Highway And Explodes- Caught On Camera ( Stunning Video)

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Truck Jumps Over Highway And Explodes- Caught On Camera ( Stunning Video)

This is amazing!A local newspaper, The Greensburg Daily News, reported that the lorry driver and his seven-year-old son, who was traveling with him at the time of the accident, escaped the incident with only minor injuries. Footage from a dashboard camera of a driver in the US state of Indiana captures the incredible moment an articulated lorry is launched into the air, flies over a two lane highway before exploding in a fireball.

Nightmare 2016-- Will Hilary Clinton Run For President ? (Video)

It seems Hilary Clinton is making the political rounds, in a possible bid for the 2016 presidential elections. So far, she has met twice with Obama and Biden at the White House, but no one is telling what her decision is. U.S. President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton catch up last week over lunch on the White House patio.

The Sunday Survival Buzz – Volume 76

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The Sunday Survival Buzz – Volume 76

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Survival Buzz – a roundup of preparedness news, tips, articles and recommendations from around the web. But first, an update on my own preps. First and foremost, I made up a batch of chicken chili from from food storage and cooked it up on my EcoZoom rocket stove. On Tuesday I will post the results, the recipe and the details of the EcoZoom Versa giveaway.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Bad News For Blacks; Countrys Financial Picture Spells Their Doom

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Bad News For Blacks; Countrys Financial Picture Spells Their Doom

Harsh and hard truths about Obama's betrayal By Jerry McConnell (Bio and Archives) Saturday, August 3, 2013 Canada Free Press The average person in the United States might think that Obama would be frantic and worried to a frazzle over the current national fiscal status and its dire outlook for the futures of the blacks of America. But does Barack Hussein Obama look or act worried and downtrodden in his daily cavorts around the country or even the world? If you said “No” you would be absolutely correct. Things are working out fiscally perfect and just the way he, or I should say, his mentors in the U.

A New Chernobyl, This Time in Israel

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A New Chernobyl, This Time in Israel

One high ranking security official who requested anonymity told our reporter that due to a technical defect, serious damages have recently been occurred in the building No. 4 of Dimona nuclear complex, in which the recycling of radioactive materials is performed. This accident caused the radioactive materials to leak within 30 km around the nuclear plant. He later continued that because of the accident, the symptoms of radioactive materials have been seen up to now on the body of 38 employees of the nuclear complex.
A special team of French, American and German experts have also entered into Israel to examine the depth of the event so as to present some solutions for reconstruction of the building, but their actions have so far been ineffective.
News from Soroka medical center in Beersheba informs us about 13 deformed babies who were born there in the past 3 months.
It should be noted that Dimona is the first Israeli nuclear plant which has been established in Negev in 1950 and Many native specialists, as well as foreign ones, have so far warned Israeli officials about the end of useful life of this nuclear plant and the dangers may be caused due to exhaustion of this nuclear plant.

"Preparing for the Collapse: Do You Have an Escape Plan?"

On this weekend's broadcast: If your country were suddenly thrown into chaos, do you and your family have an escape plan? (Jerry explains how he is preparing.) How Washington has betrayed the people's trust through its vast global snooping programs (and one way to bring accountability to D.C.) A special report on FTMDaily's Top 15 Retreat Cities for 2013 (You will never guess which city is #1!) Plus, Tom Cloud provides an update for gold and silver investors

Witness Gives Video of Cop Killing Unarmed 22-Yr-Old Homeless Man to Media: Would You?

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Witness Gives Video of Cop Killing Unarmed 22-Yr-Old Homeless Man to Media: Would You?

An eyewitness cellphone-videoed a female Santa Ana police officer shooting dead an unarmed 22-year-old homeless veteran at a shopping center earlier this week, and then did what many would be to afraid to do these days of whistleblower persecution: he anonymously leaked the video to CBS2. Leaking evidence of government agency wrongdoing The witness who leaked the video justifiably wished to remain unidentified, considering treatment of other whistleblowers exposing government criminal activities. Standing in the parking lot of Harbor Place Shopping Center on South Harbor Boulevard around 3 p.m. Tuesday, the witness said he filmed a confrontation in front of Jugo’s La Tropicana between a police officer, later identified as a 13-year veteran, and victim Hans Kevin Arellano, who was in the restaurant.

Horrible Racial Beating on FL School Bus (Video)

By Susan Duclos The mainstream media has been silent about brutal beating of a white student by three older black teens, as he got up to leave the bus. The beaten kid suffered black eyes and a broken hand, according to WFLA. The recently released video is from July 9, 2013, and the bus driver, John Moody, can be heard yelling for someone to stop the beating, while calling for dispath and saying ""I got a fight. I need help in a hurry, I got a fight I need help in a hurry." The bus driver can be heard telling the black teens to "leave that boy alone, but he does not try to intervene.

The dissolving of Parliament 2nd September 2013

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The dissolving of Parliament 2nd September 2013

Oliver Cromwell WALK AGAINST CORRUPTION 2013 Over the past six weeks I along with my team have walked 300 miles across the country in protest of corruption. We met many ordinary people who are sick to the back teeth of the corruption on a national and local level. For me, this gave me a unique insight into how middle England thinks and as we continue to lose more and more of our rights it begs the question, what can be done to end this tyranny? On the 20th April 1653 Oliver Cromwell gave a speech to the House of Commons and backed by just forty Musketeers he dissolved parliament by force.

Obama a War Criminal, Officially, Analyst Says

Barack Obama is officially a war criminal, according to a Press TV interview with a human rights and international lawyer conducted August 3, who quoted applicable parts of the Geneva Convention that clarify the crimes and the gravity of the president's actions. The following covers the main part of Press TV's interview with human rights and international attorney Alfred Lambremont Webre regarding rights violations at Guantanamo Bay military prison. "I want to get your reaction to this certainly on top of the hunger strike, on top of the fact that these men are not being charged: certainly being sexually abused, just adds to that disaster, just adds to the pain," Press TV told Webre. Responding, Webre said, "These acts by the United States government are clear violations of the third Geneva Convention and I believe the fourth Geneva Convention here.

US Is Still Arming Al Qaeda, Taliban - FTMDaily Briefing * Jerry Robinson Video

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US Is Still Arming Al Qaeda, Taliban - FTMDaily Briefing * Jerry Robinson Video

Published on Aug 1, 2013 ( The military-industrial complex has a stranglehold upon Washington. U.S. defense contractors will sell weapons to virtually any country or people group on the planet -- including our own "sworn enemies." And of course, the U.S. government offers an "easy payment plan" by fronting the countries with a loan for their military shopping sprees.

From Horrible To Horrendous: Fukushima Contaminates Entire Pacific Ocean (Videos)

By Susan Duclos Fukushima Nuclear Disaster- 2-1/2 years after a massive earthquake and tsunami destroyed the Fukushima plant, triggering the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, the situation has gone from horrible to horrendous as can be seen in the two videos below. In the first, short video, is a quick recap of the problems associated with the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster and subsequent meltdown. In the second video, we see how the it has been admitted that radioactive groundwater at the Fukushima nuclear plant has risen to levels above a barrier being built to contain it, has now leaked and contaminated the biggest body of water on the planet, The Pacific Ocean. "Radioactive leaks to harm marine and human life — Whole Pacific Ocean likely to have cesium levels 5-10 times higher than at peak of nuclear bomb tests." Related reading: Fukushima’s Catastrophic Aftermath: The Dangers of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation Source:

Mysterious Massive Sinkhole Swallows Pasture In Kansas (Video)

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Mysterious Massive Sinkhole Swallows Pasture In Kansas (Video)

Another massive sinkhole has opened up, this time in Kansas, and has swallowed an entire pasture as shown in the video, story and pictures below. What in the world is causing all of these sinkholes to develop across the country? Is this all part of the 'Nibiru Effect' as spoken of in this linked Examiner story? Why would anyone want to 'play' inside of this sinkhole as the video below shows?

Global Security Alert:: Interpol Issues Alert --Suspected al-Qaeda Terrorists Escaped From Prison (Video)

The plot thickens. Could this be the False Flag every one is waiting for? Funny, how they managed to escape now. With all of these phony scandals taking place at the same time.

Friday, August 2, 2013

You Want Answers On Benghazi? Here’s The Truth

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You Want Answers On Benghazi? Here’s The Truth

Freedom Outpost by Dean Garrison The Benghazi attack that resulted in the deaths of 4 Americans was, with almost 100% certainty, a planned prisoner exchange to swap Ambassador Chris Stevens for “The Blind Sheik.” It was, in my opinion, a deal between Barack Obama and Mohamed Morsi that went bad. This story has been floating around since shortly after the attack. The difference between now and 10 months ago is that the original hypothesis has continued to gain evidence to support it. Yesterday’s conspiracy has turned in today’s reality.

Native American Survival Skills

Survivalist Daily is dedicated to brining you the best survival, shtf, prepping, and preparedness tips from around the world wide web. Visit our site at It has been said that knowledge is power, and that applies to any area in life. Of course, it is important to arm and prepare, but it is even more important to constantly learn new aspects of survival. Some of these arts and sciences have been lost in the last century, as modern life has caused humanity to know more how to use a smartphone rather than how to build a fire.

How To Prepare For An Economic Depression: 9 Steps For The Average Joe

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How To Prepare For An Economic Depression: 9 Steps For The Average Joe

by Stephanie on August 2, 2013 Psst. I’m gonna share a little secret with you… I think we’re in an economic depression. Don’t believe me? Consider the fact that more than 100 million Americans are on some sort of government food assistance right now. If EBT cards didn’t exist, just imagine how long the soup lines would be!

Who is Spying on You? And How to Protect Your Privacy and Identity Online

SOURCE or Click on infographic

Time Warner Cable Drops CBS in New York, L.A., Dallas (Videos)

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Time Warner Cable Drops CBS in New York, L.A., Dallas (Videos)

By Susan Duclos According to CBS, the networks they own, including Showtime, TMC, FLIX and Smithsonian, have been dropped by Time Warner Cable after negotiations failed. CBS Statement below: Time Warner Cable has dropped CBS in New York City, Los Angeles, Dallas and several other markets. We deeply regret this ill-advised action, which is injurious not only to our many affected viewers, but also to Time Warner Cable itself. Throughout this process, Time Warner Cable has conducted negotiations in a combative and non-productive spirit, indulging in pointless brinksmanship and distorted public positioning – such as the fictional and ridiculous 600% increase CBS supposedly demanded – while maintaining antiquated positions no longer held by any other programming distributor in the business.

Indianapolis "Officer of the Year" Attacks Man in under 16 seconds of conversation

INDIANAPOLIS, IN -- A 60-year old businessman was attacked in the lobby of the JW Marriott hotel only 16 seconds after a police officer had interjected himself into a peaceful dispute regarding hotel services. It was all caught on video, evidence which contradicts the officer's story.

Flesh-Eating Bug Amputation after 'Safe, Clean' Gulf Swim

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Flesh-Eating Bug Amputation after 'Safe, Clean' Gulf Swim

Another person who scraped a leg in the Gulf of Mexico has had an amputation after the injury was infected with the flesh-eating bacteria, Vibrio vulnificus. Margaret Freiwald scraped her leg while enjoying the Gulf of Mexico waters on July 20, according to WFTS. Her wound became infected with Vibrio vulnificus, the bacteria found in the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico that has increased since the BP Gulf oil catastrophe. Believing BP ads and Barack Obama's statements about the Gulf water being clean and safe, Freiwald went with a group from the Fraternal Order of Eagles to swim in the Gulf between Hernando and Bayport channels.

Benghazi: CNN Confirms WND Reporting On Gun-Running in Benghazi - Lawmakers Suspect CIA Used U.S. Compound in Libya

Aaron Klein * WND CNN is reporting lawmakers are speculating on the possibility U.S. agencies operating in the Benghazi compound attacked Sept. 11, 2012, were secretly helping to transfer weapons from Libya, via Turkey, to the rebels in Syria. That possibility was first reported by WND two weeks after the Benghazi attack, when the news agency cited Egyptian security officials who said murdered U.S.

Soldiers Battle S. Oregon 40,000-Acre Inferno

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Soldiers Battle S. Oregon 40,000-Acre Inferno

Soldiers have arrived in southern Oregon to help battle lightening-sparked infernos, the nation’s highest priority fires that killed one fireworker and prompted state of emergencies, mandatory evacuations and suffocating smoke, not the type the state’s greenies prefer. A state of emergency and mandatory evacuations have been declared in southern Oregon where for six days, fires remained at zero containment until yesterday’s cooler and moister conditions. Gov. John Kitzhaber declared a state of emergency Tuesday for Josephine and Douglas counties.

Saving Silver Before The Real Confiscation The general case for holding silver continues to improve as the MFGlobal and HSBC scandals confirm the absence of any rule of law or justice in the global financial system. The Peregrine Financial fiasco only serves to verify this somewhat jaded viewpoint. Furthermore, the Cyprus “bail-in” or savings confiscation debacle makes it perfectly clear that keeping more than a small portion of one's assets in the financial system is increasingly unwise and could be subject to greater risks than most investors think. Add to this situation a dysfunctional government, the media's overwhelming daily propaganda, and the fact that the rest of the world is sick and tired of being bullied by the United States.

Black Predators Stalk Black People

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Black Predators Stalk Black People

by Monica Davis For all of the racist fearmongering, predicting hoards of blacks are coming after whtes--go get your guns, cannonize Zimmerman and prepare for race war, it jjust isn't true. Many analysts and writers continually speak of a dangerous black sub-culture that preys on black folk. Black folk get shot for asking people to turn their music down, for being in a parade, on a bus, or walking down the street where some angry, or primeval thug goes off in a rage and shoots at anybody their bullets can hit. Dangerously angry and out of control people are killing more blacks that the Klan ever dreamed of, and we still look at violent whites as black enemies.