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Cops Beat Female Shoplifter - Caught On Camera (Video)
By Susan Duclos Despite all the honest, good cops out there, recently there has been a slew of police brutality instances caught on camera, as is the example shown in the video below. Brandie Redell, 34, was admittedly shoplifting, was caught and brought to the security offer where two Quad Cities police officers were present. Rendell was on the phone and the cop rushes over to her, pushes her down and proceeds to start beating her. Rendell's infant daughter was in the room at the time.
9/11: The Pyrotechnic And Explosive Link
07.08.2013 Pravda An article published in a Journal of Chemical Physics, signed by no less than nine experts, analyzing the results of studies on particles taken from the 9/11 event at the World Trade Center in New York City in 2001 makes the most shocking conclusion: "highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material" was discovered. Remember when the World Trade Center collapsed? Quite apart from the shock and awe experienced by most civilized people around the world at the sheer scale of the act of mass murder, quite apart from the indignation at seeing passenger aircraft flying into the buildings, were there not little subconscious question marks chalked up at the way the buildings fell, almost as if in an implosion? Remember the Pentagon "aircraft" strike and all those questions raised as to how two electricity posts would have withstood a passenger aircraft, 200 plus tonnes of metal, hurtling into them and yet they remained upright, remember the fact that only one engine was found from the Boeing 757, except its parts did not match a 757 engine?
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