Sunday, June 30, 2013

New NSA Leak Censored: Read It Here!

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New NSA Leak Censored: Read It Here!

A new NSA spy scandal story has been released by the Guardian and nearly immediately taken down; however, we have embedded it here below in its entirety for you to read courtesy of pastebin. Why did the Guardian put this story out and then take it back down? Are there secrets revealed here that even the Guardian doesn't want their readers to know? The Guardian released another shocking NSA scoop on Saturday, revealing collusion and mass harvesting of personal communications among the United States and at least six European Union countries — only to delete it from their website hours after publication.

Droves of Protesters in Egypt Aim Laser Pointers at Military Helicopter

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Droves of Protesters in Egypt Aim Laser Pointers at Military Helicopter

A New photo to surface from the recent protests in Egypt show hundreds of people shining their laser pointers at a military helicopter that was seen hovering above the presidential palace. Photo: AFP By JG Vibes Intellihub.comJune 30, 2013
The protests in Egypt have continued to grow in recent days, with many people calling for another revolution and the removal of president Mohammed Morsi. It is highly possible that people realize that their revolution was co-opted with a western democracy. Instead of a western democracy, maybe these people actually want freedom, and maybe they wont stop until they get it.
Overall the revolution has not been controlled by the general population or the people in the streets, but rather the global media and the deeply rooted Egyptian military industry complex.

Man Arrested For Filming Military Drill in Charlotte, NC (Video)

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Man Arrested For Filming Military Drill in Charlotte, NC (Video)

Man arrested on public property for filming unannounced military drill in North Carolina. Photo: YouTube Cop BlockJune 30, 2013
A military drill conducted in plain view of the public reasonably creates a spectacle and raises curiosity. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that in the age of technology, some people who happen to be hanging around in public, might film a military drill taking place in open public.
This man was detained as a result. (This is a long video – go to 13:00).
As the man points out, he is standing on public property, and the enforcers do not dispute this.

Largest Protest In History, 17 Million People In Egypt, 4 Dead, 253 Injured

On Sunday, one man was killed and at least 24 injured in Beni Suef, 71 miles south of Cairo, In the southern city of Assiut, three people died and several were injured when shots were fired at protesters, reportedly by attackers on a motorcycle. According to the health ministry, 253 people were injured across the country during Sunday's protests. According to the BBC, 17 million people turned out in Egypt today makng it the largest protest in history... ever..

Deaf Woman Violently Beat Up By Police Officers “Because She Didn’t Hear Their Orders”

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Deaf Woman Violently Beat Up By Police Officers “Because She Didn’t Hear Their Orders”

A partially deaf, somewhat mentally disabled woman in Federal Way, Washington, is claiming that a police officer violently assaulted her when she was unable to hear or understand his orders. The officer claims that she assaulted him. Pictures of the two show the woman with a black eye and severely bruised face, and the police officer with a scratched face.
(Read More: Police Sued For Beating Woman And Injuring Toddler Who Taped Them [Video].)
Megan Graham, 36, pulled into a friend’s parking lot on May 27, only to have the police pull up behind her with lights flashing. Graham thought she was in trouble for using her cell phone.

Police Officer Takes 11 Year-Old Girl to Criminal Court For Wearing Too Much Perfume At School

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Police Officer Takes 11 Year-Old Girl to Criminal Court For Wearing Too Much Perfume At School

How Fox News Betrayed the Conservatives…and Everybody!

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How Fox News Betrayed the Conservatives…and Everybody!

I love the smell of napalm in the morning. Most people know there is no real difference between the Republican party and the Democrat party. Politicians all gear their vote towards getting more votes, and not towards what is right or morally correct. This same disease has infected the media.
Simply, the stories are written to entertain.

North Carolina Law Would Make It Illegal to Expose Monsanto.

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North Carolina Law Would Make It Illegal to Expose Monsanto.

Will Potter, Green Is The New Red Waking Times
Two million people in 52 countriesmarched against Monsanto last week in protest of genetically-modified food and in support of consumer choice. There’s international pressure on this GMO giant like never before.
But proposed legislation in North Carolina would make it illegal for whistleblowers to expose how Monsanto and other corporations are threatening public health and the environment.
North Carolina’s SB 648 is appropriately named the “Commerce Protection Act.” The bill makes it illegal to obtain employment in order to “create or produce a record that reproduces an image or sound occurring within the employer’s facility, including a photographic, video, or audio” or “to capture or remove data, paper, records, or any other documents…”
It goes on to say that “any recording made or information obtained… shall be turned over to local law enforcement within 24 hours.”
The proposal is one of a dozen “ag-gag” bills that have been introduced across the country this year. Tennessee’s Governor Bill Haslam recently vetoed a similar proposalafter a national outcry from groups like the Humane Society, ACLU, labor unions, the Sierra Club, and others. Most recently Amnesty International called the bills an affront to human rights:
“What at first might appear to be exclusively an animal abuse issue is, on closer inspection, clearly also a freedom of expression issue, a workers’ rights issue, an environmental issue and a public health issue,” said Vienna Colucci, Director of Policy at Amnesty International USA.

Pending Market Disaster: The Global Financial System Is Sliding Uncontrollably Towards An Abyss And There’s Only 2% Chance of Dodging A Market Crash

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Pending Market Disaster: The Global Financial System Is Sliding Uncontrollably Towards An Abyss And There’s Only 2% Chance of Dodging A Market Crash

World GDP FOUR years after the worst of the financial crisis and the world appears to be faltering again. According to The Economist’s calculations, world GDP grew by just 2.1% during the first quarter of 2013 compared with a year earlier. Just 12 months ago, output was growing at a reasonable clip of 3.1%. Why China’s Economy May Be Heading for a Crash China’s central bank sent global markets reeling when it attempted tighten credit and rein in the country’s shadow banking system. But the consequences of China’s credit binge may just be getting started, and experts say there could be more pain to come for the world’s second-largest economy.

Jim Rogers Warns “We’re All Going To Suffer From This Crazy, Crazy Money Printing”

Submitted by Tyler Durden Zero Hedge Submitted by Tekoa Da Silva via Bull Market Thinking blog, I was able to reconnect with Jim Rogers this morning out of Spain, legendary co-founder of the Quantum Fund with George Soros, author ofHot Commodities, and chairman of the private Beeland Holdings. It was an especially powerful interview, as Jim spoke towards the relentless downward pressure on gold, the upward explosion in interest rates, central bank money printing, and how to protect yourself ahead of the disastrous times he sees coming. When asked if we’re seeing forced liquidation leading the smash down in gold this morning, Jim said, “We certainly are. There are a lot of leveraged players who are now being forced to sell. Usually when you have this kind of forced liquidation, you’re getting closer to a bottom, maybe not the final bottom, but certainly close to a bottom. I even bought a little bit [today].” With regard to the intense bearish news stories being published on gold, Jim suggested investors shouldn’t ”Pay [much] attention to other people.

General Wesley Clark: Whistleblower, Warrior

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General Wesley Clark: Whistleblower, Warrior

June 30, 2013 Once a warrior, always one. Clark hasn’t forgotten. His credentials are notorious. He’s a war criminal.

7 Wonderful Benefits Of Bee Pollen: Add It To Your Next Smoothie!

June 30, 2013 Historical evidence shows that the use of bee pollen by humans dates as far back as ancient Egyptian times. Beekeepers of old knew that this near-magical substance is one of nature’s best kept secrets. It has long been considered an excellent source of many health benefits, including longevity. Bee pollen contains numerous vitamins and minerals, natural hormones and essential fatty acids.

500 Page Report: FDA Failing to Keep Food Safe, Protect Consumers

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500 Page Report: FDA Failing to Keep Food Safe, Protect Consumers

Anthony Gucciardi
Natural Society A 2010 report by the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council entitled Enhancing Food Safety: The Role of the Food and Drug Administration states that the FDA ‘lacks the vision’ and resources to protect consumers from unsafe food and foodborne illness. The report calls for more proactive instead of reactive measures, and asks the FDA to focus on more wide-spread measures to protect the food supply rather than trying to take cases on one by one.
Robert Wallace, a professor at the University of Iowa’s College of Public Health and the chairman of the committee that authorized the report said:
“As recent illnesses traced to produce underscore, foodborne diseases cause significant suffering, so it’s imperative that our food safety system functions effectively at all levels. FDA uses some risk assessment and management tactics, but the agency’s approach is too often reactive and lacks a systematic focus on prevention. Our report’s recommendations aim to help FDA achieve a comprehensive vision for proactively protecting against threats to the nation’s food supply.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Beheaded: Obama’s Syrian Rebels Decapitate Christian Bishop

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Beheaded: Obama’s Syrian Rebels Decapitate Christian Bishop

Vine of Life News, your premier Christian news source. Saturday, June 29, 2013 9:03 (Video) – WEB Notes: The birth pains are increasing rapidly at this time and they will continue to do so. Revelation 9:14 cannot be far off. “Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.” Many Christians think this will happen to them during the Tribulation which could not be further from the truth.

Cindy Sheehan Arrested At CIA HQ Drone Strike 'Die In'

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Cindy Sheehan Arrested At CIA HQ Drone Strike 'Die In'

I LOVE Cindy Sheehan! I am SOOOOO thankful that there are wonderful, courageous people like her who are SOOOOO sick and tired of US government war crimes and murders around the world that they 'lay their own bodies upon the gears and wheels of the odious machine' and attempt to put an end to the rot and stink. Cindy and 6 others were arrested at CIA headquarters in a protest against drones after a 'die-in' today with Tour de Peace. Thank You Cindy for doing what our own president, Barack Obama, should be doing if he lived up to his promises.

UK government bans GMOs from its own Parliament restaurants while telling public to embrace genetic poisons

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UK government bans GMOs from its own Parliament restaurants while telling public to embrace genetic poisons

By Jonathan Benson
Since the mid-to-late 1990s when genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) were first being thrust onto the market by governments working in lockstep with the biotechnology industry, the U.K. Parliament has effectively barred their use in all food items served to government officials at Parliament restaurants, according to new reports. This, despite the fact that prominent elected officials in the U.K. are right now pushing GMOs on a public that is largely opposed to them, effectively shining the spotlight on their own insane hypocrisy with regards to the GMO issue.
As recently reported by the U.K.’s Daily Mail, news of the Parliament’s ban on GMOs at its own restaurants comes amid the procurement of a massive pro-GMO propaganda campaign being led by this very same Parliament against the interests of its own people.

Teenager Arrested for Sarcastic Comment Over Online Video Game

18 year old Ohioan Justin Carter was arrested and charged with terroristic threats because of what his father calls a sarcastic comment he made in a argument over facebook with a fellow League of Legends player. Justin is facing 8 years behind bars.
League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game that averages over 12 million players worldwide per day.
Carters comment came as a result of in game controversy.
“Someone had said something to the effect of ‘Oh you’re insane, you’re crazy, you’re messed up in the head,’ to which he replied ‘Oh yeah, I’m real messed up in the head, I’m going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts,’” recalled Justin’s dad Jack.
“The next two lines were lol and jk.”
A women in Canada noticed the comment, tracked down Carters address and notified police.
Justin’s parents have created a petition for the release of their son who is now jailed. The petition argues that their sons first amendment was violated and that anti-terrorism laws are jailing innocent people.
Read petition here.
In a similar case, former marine Brandon Raub was detained for ‘anti-government’ posts that he made over face book last year.
There are plenty other examples of arrest’s made over posting made on social media:
A Methuen Teen’s Facebook Status Has Kept Him in Jail for Three Weeks Oregon Teen, Posts Facebook Status About Drunk Driving, Gets Arrested Anti-terrorism laws are taking away the common sense, innocent until proven guilty principle and throwing it in the trash.
Justin Carter, by simply exercising his rights to speak freely, is now a criminal.
If the NSA spying revelation’s weren’t enough to get you to disconnect from social media platforms such as facebook, this case and those that are linked above should certainly spark consideration.
This situation highlights how the freedom on speech is no more in America.
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple Contributed by Paul Lawrance of

Foreign Boots on American Soil: Russia To Share Military “Security Experts” With United States During Mass Disaster Incidents and Emergencies

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Foreign Boots on American Soil: Russia To Share Military “Security Experts” With United States During Mass Disaster Incidents and Emergencies

Rumors have circulated for years about the possibility of foreign troops being deployed on U.S. soil in the event of a widespread declaration of a national emergency. For quite some time there have been anecdotal reports to support the claim that the U.N., Russia and other nations would be used in a policing capacity should some critical event befall our nation.
The fear should such a scenario take place has been that these soldiers would act under the banner of their own flags, ignoring the fundamental protections afforded to our citizens, leaving Americans under the jurisdiction of people who don’t speak our language or respect our fundamental rights to self defense, to be secure in our homes, and to be presumed innocent in the eyes of the law.
Up until this point, nothing has ever been confirmed in writing, so officially no such foreign assistance has ever been agreed to. Thus, Americans had nothing to worry about.
All of this changed last week when representatives of Presidents Barrack Obama and Vladimir Putin met in Washington D.C., and not a single US-based news source reported it.
A press release posted on The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense and Emergencies reports that the United States and Russia will now cooperate in disaster response operations that will include the exchange of “experts” during “joint rescue operations,” a term that has been broadly defined under the new agreement.
This includes rescuers, trainers and even military “security” teams:
Several documents signed during joint work of Russian Emergency Ministry and FEMA
The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry and the USA Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are going to exchange experts during joint rescue operations in major disasters.

What the Hell Is Wrong with Obama?

by David Galland, Casey Research: In recent polls, 65% of Americans said they were against the US government becoming involved in Syria. Yet, the Obama administration has made it abundantly clear that it will now actively support the rebels there.
Disturbingly, our so-called allies in this fight – the anti-Assad rebels – are the sort of people who use suicide bombers to achieve their goals. Which is not surprising given that Al-Qaeda has openly taken a leading role in the opposition the Obama administration now sees fit to support.
And so it is that the very same Al-Qaeda that the US claims is Enemy #1 will soon be receiving weapons from the US, and probably already has.
In one particularly notable display of the world view of our new friends, a prominent rebel leader named Sunni al-Hamad was videotaped snacking on the lung of a dead enemy soldier. The highly placed member of the intelligence community whom I briefly referenced in my last missive told me that the most favorable interpretation of this barbaric act the analysts could come up with was that the fellow was actually trying to eat the heart, but ate the lung instead.

Cop Kills Double Amuptee "No Charges Filed"

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Cop Kills Double Amuptee "No Charges Filed"

Jun 29, 2013 Recently, Houston Police Officer Matthew Marin was "no-billed" by a secret grand jury in Harris, Co. Texas which led to charges not being filed on this cop who executed Brian Claunch. Claunch was a double amputee confined to a wheelchair. He suffered from bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia which he was in the home of care takers designed to tend to his needs.

Bridenstine OWNS Obama In One Minute What Would Tyranny Look Like In America Look Around

Jun 29, 2013 Recently, Houston Police Officer Matthew Marin was "no-billed" by a secret grand jury in Harris, Co. Texas which led to charges not being filed on this cop who executed Brian Claunch. Claunch was a double amputee confined to a wheelchair. He suffered from bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia which he was in the home of care takers designed to tend to his needs.

Journalists run from Riot Police Chemicals at NOBAMA rally in S. Africa

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Journalists run from Riot Police Chemicals at NOBAMA rally in S. Africa

Journalists along with hundreds of human rights defenders ran from riot police spraying chemicals on them in today heat at a NOBAMA demonstration in Soweto. Photo Credit: Johnny White Marking Barack Obama's arrival in S. Africa and massive NObama protests against him, in Soweto, riot police dispersed the crowd with chemical weapons. Thousands of S.

New York Town Offering Residents $500 To Report ‘illegal Guns’ (VIDEO)

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New York Town Offering Residents $500 To Report ‘illegal Guns’ (VIDEO)

On Wednesday, town and law enforcement officials in Peekskill, New York, launched “Operation Safe Streets,” a program that provides a financial incentive — $500 — to residents who report to authorities individuals who are in the possession of an “illegal gun.” In short, “Operation Safe Streets” is a toll free tip line that pays “tipsters” $500 if their information leads to the confiscation of an illegal gun. The number for this particular line is 914-468-4GUN. At the press conference, Councilman Darren Rigger explained how the tip line will make the Peekskill community safer, which has approximately 23,000 residents. “In this post-Newtown, Connecticut, world we live in, when communities want to make cities and their streets safer they cannot wait to get that done.

Dangerous Times: Obama's Perversity

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Dangerous Times: Obama's Perversity

American Thinker By James Lewis In economics, a "perverse effect" means getting what you don't want. If McDonald's makes an executive decision to sell lousy burgers and ends up bankrupt, that is a perverse decision. Markets are tough on companies that act perversely, but the Amazonian jungle of government allows perverse incentives to flourish and spread. In our current state of national perversity we have massive voter ignorance and apathy (and therefore no punishment for misgovernment), a Senate that passes critical legislation without even bothering to read it, an income tax code written by special-interest lobbyists over decades, and an IRS that is so deeply politicized that voter outrage has no visible impact at all.

Beheaded: Obama's Syrian Rebels Decapitate Christian Bishop

This article appeared at: World Events and the Bible Beheaded: Obama's Syrian Rebels Decapitate Christian Bishop (Video) - WEB Notes: The birth pains are increasing rapidly at this time and they will continue to do so. Revelation 9:14 cannot be far off. "Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates." Many Christians think this will happen to them during the Tribulation which could not be further from the truth. What did Christ say concerning the Saints who will be delivered up before Satan in Luke 21:18?

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars On American People: Secret Document Found In Auctioned Copier

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Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars On American People: Secret Document Found In Auctioned Copier

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars - An Introduction Programming Manual (how economy and people can be controlled like an electronic circuit, with technical diagrams).pdf Preview · Download Forward This manuscript was delivered to our offices by an unknown person. We did not steal the document, nor are we involved with any theft from the United States Government, and we did not get the document by way of any dishonest methods. We feel that we are not endangering the "National Security" by reproducing this document, quite the contrary; it has been authenticated and we feel that we are not only within our rights to publish it, but morally bound to do so. Regarding the training manual, you may have detected that we had to block out the marginal notes made by the selectee at the C.I.A.

Obama & US Govt Slammed By Ecuador Over Edward Snowden: Offers US Human Rights Training

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Obama & US Govt Slammed By Ecuador Over Edward Snowden: Offers US Human Rights Training

Barack Obama and the United States government have THANKFULLY been SLAMMED (A WELL NEEDED SLAM, I MIGHT ADD!!!!!) by Ecuador over the Edward Snowden episode, rejecting ECONOMIC BLACKMAIL by the US and offering the US training in HUMAN RIGHTS. As America quickly turns into a 'POLICE STATE' (or so they might hope, however, THE SLEEPING GIANT HAS AWOKEN AND IS MAD AS H%LL!!!!!), and the DOPES on Capitol Hill and in the White House think that they can play the BULLY upon the entire world, the US government and Barack Obama are quickly finding out that THEY can no longer get away with their crimes and attempts at intimidation. STAND UP TO YOUR GOVERNMENT OF CRIMINALS, AMERICA!!!! Excellent video report also below.

1000 'Nobama' Pretorians Protest His Visit, Burning US Flags

Angry South Africans let Barack Obama know he is unwelcome in their country. Photo Credit: Jammas Hussein/Press TV On the Eve of Barack Obama's visit to South Africa, a national day of "NObama Campaign" action has been held with over one thousand demonstrators, including 1000 in Pretoria alone, protesting Washington’s “oppressive” policies, imperialism, assassinations and other crimes of a "dictator." Speaking in Johannesburg last Sunday in preparation for the NObama campaign against Obama's visit as Mandela has been in critical condition, Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) Gauteng chairman Phutas Tseki said "progressive forces" in South Africa would unite to reject the "unwelcome visit" of Obama. Those progressive forces turned out for the rallies in major cities. In South Africa's executive capital Pretoria, a thousand people marched from Union Buildings to the US Embassy.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Speaks Out!... Live!... Today! Along With Rep. Steve Stockman!

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Sheriff Joe Arpaio Speaks Out!... Live!... Today! Along With Rep. Steve Stockman!

### TODAY! ### From 4-6 PM CT - Freedom Friday Line Up! ALL TIMES ARE CENTRAL TIME! SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO- 4-4:30 YOUR CALLS - 4:30-5

Obama Besieged by Birthers on Africa Trip!

PPSIMMONS: We suppose these kids are crazy right-wing wack jobs? Hmmmm. After a Yahoo! News reporter wrote that President Obama would not be swinging by his country of birth while in Africa, angry tweeters dismissed a hastily issued correction and demanded that she be fired immediately.

People Kept From Information: Obama Transforming US Into Slave Class

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People Kept From Information: Obama Transforming US Into Slave Class

She's a straight talker--how long until they shut her up? Editor If People Knew What Was Going On, They Would Stop It By Elizabeth Warren, Elizabeth Warren for Senate 28 June 13 We won't make the information public because if people knew what was going on, they would stop it. hat's been the government's argument for not releasing the basic trade negotiation documents. Let me explain: Trade agreements are important.

Firefox Plugin Site Hijacked

The website has been hijacked and traffic to the site is being redirected. Just tried to update the java plugin for Firefox on Mozilla plugin website and received an SSL certificate error. Viewing the cert, show it was issued as a wildcard for WikiPedia and WikiMedia sites. I downloaded the cert, accepted it and continued on and found myself being displayed the following error.

Is This Edward Snowden? He May Soon Be Back In The United States!

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Is This Edward Snowden? He May Soon Be Back In The United States!

Is this Edward Snowden? According to this Facebook page, it is. Even more amazing news, according to Edward Snowden's father, he may soon be coming back to the United States! You can check out that video down below.

The King of Shambhala: Predictions And Prognostications Of Geir Smith.

"I offer lodging and stays at my house for very reasonable prices during which day-trips can be organized to the Normandy seashore and countryside nearby and also to Paris (both less than one and half hours away), particularly the China Town area from which I am an old former long-time resident. During stays, overview-lectures about my lengthy research on Kalachakra the famous Buddhist deity can be done. I'm now the world authority on this secret deity on which no research is made public by Tibetans, seeing a kind of historical and cultural taboo surrounds it. It is indeed prophecied to be brought to the world by Westerners.£ "Only by studying what the hidden reality of Kalachakra is, can one discover and experience the Realm of Shambhala.

Team Arpaio: Rep. Stockman Meeting; Federal Law Violated In Obama ID Fraud Scandal - 6/28/2013

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Team Arpaio: Rep. Stockman Meeting; Federal Law Violated In Obama ID Fraud Scandal - 6/28/2013

Why is the mainstream media pushing a race war in America? Is THIS how they think that they're going to 'create martial law', by LYING TO US about testimony in the Zimmerman murder case, trying to start massive black on white crime? Check this out, CNN just got caught RED HANDED in a HUGE lie! John Good, a witness to the murder who testified at the Zimmerman trial, clearly stated that he saw the "lighter skinned" person on the bottom getting punched, but this is how CNN is reporting it.

Former Reagan White House Budget Director: This Isn’t Going to End Well. The Fed Has Painted Itself Into A Corner. It’s Violated Every Rule Of Sound Money That Ever Existed. All Interest Rates Are Manipulated. The Yield Curve Is Artificial…

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Former Reagan White House Budget Director: This Isn’t Going to End Well. The Fed Has Painted Itself Into A Corner. It’s Violated Every Rule Of Sound Money That Ever Existed. All Interest Rates Are Manipulated. The Yield Curve Is Artificial…

David Stockman The Fed Created a Bubble Machine – Global Economic Crisis Has the Federal Reserve’s ultra-easy money ZIRP policies destroyed honest market price discovery and inflated a massive asset bubble? Outspoken former Reagan White House budget director David Stockman thinks so and believes the Fed has created a massive bubble. He sounds off on the Fed and the huge financial challenges we face in the months and years ahead. David Stockman’s Non-Recovery Part 5: Peak Debt And The Wages Of Keynesian Sin Read more at

New Bank Of America Whistle-Blower Emerges: More Customer Abuse Secrets

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New Bank Of America Whistle-Blower Emerges: More Customer Abuse Secrets

Bank of America whistle-blower details latest scheme to abuse homeowners, evade settlement rules and pocket cash By David Dayen Enlarge Last week, I detailed bombshell revelations from Bank of America whistle-blowers, in which former employees of the bank detailed systematic fraud and deceptive practices inside their loan modification department — including bonuses and Target gift cards for staff who racked up foreclosures. Now, another new lawsuit, featuring a separate whistle-blower, contains additional remarkable revelations – and may shed light on Bank of America’s strategy in getting out from under the mountain of legal exposure and costs in which it now finds itself. Simply put, the bank seeks to pocket quick cash and evade practices set forth in major settlements – by cashing out of the subprime mortgage servicing business. The result would be to leave struggling homeowners back at square one, with even fewer protections to avoid foreclosure.

Obama To Be Arrested? Bush Put On Trial? Russia Today & The TruthSeeker - Video Report

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Obama To Be Arrested? Bush Put On Trial? Russia Today & The TruthSeeker - Video Report

Is Barack Obama about to be arrested? What about George W. Bush, is he about to be arrested and put on trial? This hopeful report from RussiaToday argues just that.

CNN Caught Red-Handed Lying In Zimmerman Trial! Why Are Barack Obama & The MSM Pushing A Race War?

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CNN Caught Red-Handed Lying In Zimmerman Trial! Why Are Barack Obama & The MSM Pushing A Race War?

Why is the mainstream media pushing a race war in America? Is THIS how they think that they're going to 'create martial law', by LYING TO US about testimony in the Zimmerman murder case, trying to start massive black on white crime? Check this out, CNN just got caught RED HANDED in a HUGE lie! John Good, a witness to the murder who testified at the Zimmerman trial, clearly stated that he saw the "lighter skinned" person on the bottom getting punched, but this is how CNN is reporting it.

Tahrir Square Live Stream Egyptian Anti-Morsi Protests And Pro-Morsi Protests, 4 Dead

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Tahrir Square Live Stream Egyptian Anti-Morsi Protests And Pro-Morsi Protests, 4 Dead

In Egypt's second largest city, Alexandria, still more anti-government protesters turned out in force, fighting with guns and firecrackers. At least one person was killed while the offices of Morsi's political party were set on fire. Battles between Morsi supporters and opponents in the provincial regions of Fayyoum, Sharqiya and Dhekeliya left at least three dead and 300 wounded in the last 48 hours. At least one Muslim Brotherhood political office was attacked and burned, near Cairo.

New Cancer Treatment Beats Chemotherapy Without The Toxic Side Effects For Real? Check it Out!

So do several 'alternative' methods of dealing with cancer from Tetrahydracannabinol to Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Psycho-Neuro Immunology (which is more of a practical application of the realization that mind, body and soul are one entity). But when the mainstream (Big Pharma) people hand out copy on something 'new' that will do the job without the side effects, complete with double-blind crossover tests, my only concern is that they could not possibly have given up on the profit motive... So what does this stuff cost? They don't say, but the PR is pretty convincing: If a locked door must be opened, explosives can be used, but normally it is better to use a key.

Dana Loesch : Americas Hottest Conservative Gal Live

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Dana Loesch : Americas Hottest Conservative Gal Live

Dana Loesch is a fast rising Conservative Radio Host in the Midwest. Her take no prisoners style with "Liberals and Progressives" comes through all time. If you want to see her on live webcam here she is until 3pm Central time:

Huge Call For Riots/Murder of 'Whities' Over Zimmerman Trial if Found Innocent

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Huge Call For Riots/Murder of 'Whities' Over Zimmerman Trial if Found Innocent

It never ceases to amaze me, the mentality of so many 'Minorities' still bludgeoned today. Don't they get it yet.. That they are being played! Zimmerman and Trayvon is one of 100's of like-cases they could cherry-pick and sensationalize any given month.

Ex-Chicago Cop: Zimmerman Acquittal To Cause Race Riots

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Ex-Chicago Cop: Zimmerman Acquittal To Cause Race Riots

Social unrest will “dwarf the Rodney King and the Martin Luther King riots” Paul Joseph Watson June 28, 2013 Following a number of tweets making threats to kill white people if George Zimmerman is acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin, a former Chicago police officer warns that the outcome of the case could spark race riots in cities across America. George Zimmerman. Image: Wikimedia Commons As Infowars reported yesterday, following the woeful performance of Rachel Jeantel, the state’s so-called “star witness,” a number of Twitter users took to the social network to express their intention to kill white people in retaliation for Zimmerman going free. Tweets included remarks such as “If Zimmerman get off ima shoot the first #hispanic/white I see,” and “If they don’t kill Zimmerman Ima kill me a cracka.” In an article entitled, America Will See Its Worst Race Riot Yet This Summer, Crime File News’ Paul Huebl remarks that the case against Zimmerman should never have been filed in the first place and that when the trial inevitably collapses with Zimmerman’s acquittal, “I fully expect organized race rioting to begin in every major city to dwarf the Rodney King and the Martin Luther King riots of past decades.” Huebl is a licensed private detective and a former Chicago police officer.

House Speaker John Boehner: The House “Will Not Take Up or Vote” on the Senate Immigration Bill – Video 6/27/13

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House Speaker John Boehner: The House “Will Not Take Up or Vote” on the Senate Immigration Bill – Video 6/27/13

Here is video of House Speaker John Boehner saying unequivocally that the House “will not take up and vote on” the Senate Immigration Bill passed yesterday by a vote of 68-32.
Boehner said the House will craft it’s own bill, and that it will have to (1) be supported by a majority of House GOP members – both legislation AND any Conference Report – and (2) will have to put “real Border Security” first.
Sounds good IF he holds this line.

CIA's Plan To Crush Leaks Leaked

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CIA's Plan To Crush Leaks Leaked

Well, I'll have to say that this serves the CIA right; did you know that the CIA had a plan to crush leaks? Fortunately, this draconian plan straight from the bowels of the 'Police State' has been leaked, certainly to the dissatisfaction of those who want want lies and crimes to remain hidden. Isn't it time that ALL the WALLS of SECRECY come crashing down? John F.

ADHD a ‘Fictitious Disease’ Says the Creator of the Ailment

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ADHD a ‘Fictitious Disease’ Says the Creator of the Ailment

Anthony Gucciardi
Natural Society Did you know that The American Psychiatric Association estimates that 3%-7% of school-aged children have ADHD, while parents report that about 9.5% of children between 9- and 7 years old suffer from the condition? Although these statistics are alarming, they aren’t as shocking as the fact that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a completely made-up ailment, according to the “father” of ADHD, Leon Eisenberg, who made the shocking admission in the last interview before his death.
A psychiatrist and key player in the developmental research behind autism, ADHD, and psychiatry as a whole, Leon Eisenberg concocted the theory of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder decades ago. The disease first haunted the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as hyperkinetic reaction of childhood, but is now labeled as ADHD. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for Eisenberg’s theory on ADHD to become ‘concrete’ within the medical community, leading tens of millions of children to be heavily medicated with mind-altering drugs for virtually no justifiable reason.
There is no question that the psychiatric community and their bible-like text known as the DSM are fueling disease and widespread medication prescriptions. In a world where creativity is deemed a “mental illness” by scientists and profits are to be made by shrinks and pharmaceutical companies, is it any wonder that a large portion of the population is on medications for some type of ‘mental illness’?
“ADHD is fraud intended to justify starting children on a life of drug addiction,” said Dr.

Survival Friday: Spices for the Survival Pantry

A commonly used idiom, “variety is the spice of life”, is used to mean that life is more interesting when things are not always the same. And so it is when you are cooking and with your food storage pantry. Plain old rice and plain old beans will keep you alive but you may succumb to food fatigue from the boredom of it all.
Include some common spices with your other food storage items and everything changes. As l wrote about in the recent article 20 Items to Kick Start Your Food Storage Plan, adding some spices and condiments to your food storage pantry will allow you to vary the taste of your storage foods, thus mitigating some of the boredom that is likely to occur over time.

Rand Paul: the Names of U.S. Citizens Killed in Operations Authorized by President Obama."The World is a Battlefield"

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Rand Paul: the Names of U.S. Citizens Killed in Operations Authorized by President Obama."The World is a Battlefield"

One day - soon - America will recognise and honor another one of its most outstanding statesmen Rand Paul for his epic filibuster in which he read into the Congressional record... "for the first time ever...the names of U.S. citizens killed in operations authorized by President Obama." Jeremy Scahill, National Security Correspondent for The Nation, is the author of the best-selling new book "Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield" and the writer, producer and subject of an award-winning documentary of the same name, which goes into wide theatrical release this week. Scahill sat with Reason's Matt Welch for an extended conversation about the book and movie, which thoroughly investigate the way America conducts its covert wars in the post-9/11 world, and how Barack Obama's embrace of drone strikes, rendition and targeted assassination have cemented the policies of the Bush Administration which declared the entire world "a battlefield." Scahill give due credit to Sen.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Chinese Invasion And Amphibious Assault Of Senkaku Islands Mimicked In War Games Held By U.S. And Japan

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Chinese Invasion And Amphibious Assault Of Senkaku Islands Mimicked In War Games Held By U.S. And Japan

The US and Japan are preparing for a possible Chinese invasion of the Senkaku Islands. Using a small island off the coast of California, US and Japanese forces are mimicking an armed invasion and an amphibious assault to prepare for a real-life scenario. A landing craft heaves through a near-shore swell on the Red Beach coastline on Camp Pendleton, Calif., during assault training exercise Dawn Blitz, June 3, 2010. The weeklong Navy/Marine exercise involved 4,500 sailors and Marines, seven ships, 60 amphibious assault vehicles, 16 landing craft and numerous fixed-wing and rotary aircraft.

Gerald Celente’s Trends In The News – “Up Your Arse!” – (6/26/13)

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Gerald Celente’s Trends In The News – “Up Your Arse!” – (6/26/13)

from trendsjournal “Medical bills biggest cause of US bankruptcies, bankers giving it to you up the arse & Julia Gillard prime minister of Australia resigns!”
Original release: 6/26/13.
Official Gerald Celente channels: “Gcelente” & “TrendsJournal”.
©2012 TrendsResearchInstitute. Gerald Celente™. Tweet

Spy Drone Can See What You are Wearing From 17,500 Feet (Video)

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Spy Drone Can See What You are Wearing From 17,500 Feet (Video)

A new camera developed by the Pentagon’s research arm was highlighted in a recent special on PBS’ “Nova” in an episode called “Rise of the Drones.” It’s a camera system so detailed it can discern specific movements and even what a subject is wearing.
Air CrapJune 27, 2013
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA’s) Autonomous Real-Time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance Imaging System (ARGUS) has 1.8 billion pixels (1.8 gigapixels), making it the world’ highest resolution camera. The sensors on the camera are so precise, PBS stated it is the equivalent to the capabilities of 100 Predator drones in a medium city.
In the clip from PBS, it is said this is the first time the government has allowed information to be shared about these capabilities.
“It is important for the public to know that some of these capabilities exist,” Yiannis Antonaides with contractor BAE Systems said in the clip, but noted the sensor itself cannot be revealed. “Because we are not allowed to expose some of the pieces that make up this sensor, so you get to look a pretty plastic curtains.”
The technology allows the user to open up a specific windows of interest in the camera’s view while still keeping up an image of the larger picture (sort of like split screen). Antonaides explained that the colored boxes in the image show that the sensor recognized moving objects.

Interview With Man Who Exposed Child Abuse, Murder And Torture In US And Canadian Churches

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Interview With Man Who Exposed Child Abuse, Murder And Torture In US And Canadian Churches

EDITOR: Listen and judge for yourself. Kevin Annett Hey folks, here it is. The best interview with me ever, done the other day. Great ammo to use against the smear artists and nay sayers.

LIVE STREAM: New IRIS Solar Telescope, Which Will Help Keep Track of Solar Flares, Launches Tonight

Free live streaming by Ustream Artist's concept of the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) satellite in orbit. (NASA)

The Most Dangerous Man In America

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The Most Dangerous Man In America

Jeff Knox warns of this leader's goal of national 'civilian disarmament' WND Jeff Knox Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely – so said Lord Acton. We’ve also been told that money is power, and that money is the root of all sorts of evil. When you add all of those bits of wisdom together, it paints a picture of the current mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg is one of the wealthiest men in the world.

Syrian Orthodox bishop and his assistant, beheaded by militants logistically protected by Israel and armed by NATO/EU/USA/petromonarchies

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Syrian Orthodox bishop and his assistant, beheaded by militants logistically protected by Israel and armed by NATO/EU/USA/petromonarchies

Syrian Orthodox bishop and his assistant, beheaded by militants logistically protected by Israel and armed by NATO/EU/USA/petromonarchies THANKS ALOT USA FOR VOTEING FOR AN ISLAMIC TERRORIST Great job with our tax dollars when is it going to end when the people in america wake up and see congress and obama are all behide this they spend our tax dollars to kill christians world wide but why should that bug you it aint you be in raped or beheaded but soon it will be in a us city near you Note: Video Below Article The two are brutally executed – beheaded with a small combat knife. Echoing previous beheading recorded by insurgents, the head is held up to the cheers of onlookers and then placed on the body. This month has seen an escalation in sectarian atrocities committed by insurgents, who have been publicly armed and supported by America, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and other actors. Indeed, the atrocities are coinciding with further arms transfers – with new advanced weaponry witnessed in the hands of militants in the past number of weeks.

Voyager 1 Explores Final Frontier of Our 'Solar Bubble'

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Voyager 1 Explores Final Frontier of Our 'Solar Bubble'

Data from Voyager 1, now more than 11 billion miles from the sun, suggest the spacecraft is closer to becoming the first human-made object to reach interstellar space. This artist's concept shows NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft exploring a region called the "depletion region" or "magnetic highway" at the outer limits of our heliosphere, the bubble the sun blows around itself. In this region, the magnetic field lines generated by our sun (yellow arcs) are piling up and intensifying and low-energy charged particles that are accelerated in the heliosphere's turbulent outer later (green dots) have disappeared. Scientists think the depletion region is the last region Voyager 1 has to cross before reaching interstellar space, which is the space between stars, Voyager 1 passed a shockwave known as the termination shock in 2004, where solar wind suddenly slowed down and became turbulent.

The Giant Has Awakened!

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The Giant Has Awakened!

Andrew Napolitano: American public is pushing back against its abusive government WND Which is more dangerous to personal liberty in a free society: a renegade who tells an inconvenient truth about government lawbreaking, or government officials who lie about what the renegade revealed? That’s the core issue in the great public debate this summer, as Americans come to the realization that their government has concocted a system of laws violative of the natural law, profoundly repugnant to the Constitution and shrouded in secrecy. The liberty of which I write is the right to privacy: the right to be left alone. The framers jealously and zealously guarded this right by imposing upon government agents intentionally onerous burdens before letting them invade it.

How To Survive When Prices Double Every Day And A Half

By Dennis Miller What does life actually look like when your country and its currency collapse? In a recent Casey Daily Dispatch, two guest columnists – one from Zimbabwe and another from Bosnia – shared their respective feats of survival amid the horrors of hyperinflation and civil unrest. Sadly, their stories are not outliers. During my lifetime, far too many societies have reverted to barter, theft, and gang rule.

CIA Plans August Offensive In Syria (Video)

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CIA Plans August Offensive In Syria (Video)

The Wall Street Journal reports today that the CIA is moving weapons from secret warehouses to Jordan ahead of an August offensive in Syria. The covert plan was authorized by Obama earlier this month, the newspaper reports. Arab and European nations are also involved in the effort. Saudi Arabia plans to provide Manpads, shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, to a select number of groomed terrorist mercenaries, according to U.S.

Russia To Build 100 New Military Bases And Airfields

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Russia To Build 100 New Military Bases And Airfields

About 100 new defense infrastructure facilities, including airfields and Army and Navy maintenance and supply bases, will be built in Russia to accommodate new weapon systems, a top military official said Thursday. By 2016, 316 garrison towns are to be built, their number due to increase to 495 by 2020, said General Valery Gerasimov, chief of the General Staff of Russia’s Armed Forces, adding that more than 3,000 facilities, including barracks, parking lots, cafeterias, etc., would be built in those locations. Why the build up? I know Russia is modernizing its military and wantto be finished 2020.

Radiation Levels Skyrocket at Fukushima

Painting by Jonathan Raddatz The Accident Is NOT Contained
Record high levels of radioactive tritium have been observed in the harbor at Fukushima.
Japan Times notes:
The density of radioactive tritium in samples of seawater from near the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant doubled over 10 days to hit a record 1,100 becquerels per liter, possibly indicating contaminated groundwater is seeping into the Pacific, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said.
Tepco said late Monday it was still analyzing the water for strontium-90, which would pose a greater danger than tritium to human health if absorbed via the food chain. The level of cesium did not show any significant change between the two sample dates, according to the embattled utility.
On June 19, Tepco revealed that a groundwater sample taken from a nearby monitoring well was contaminated with both tritium and strontium-90.
During a news conference Monday in Tokyo, Masayuki Ono, a Tepco executive and spokesman, this time did not deny the possibility of leakage into the sea, while he said Tepco is still trying to determine the cause of the spike.
Kyoto reports:
A sample collected Friday contained around 1,100 becquerels of tritium per liter, the highest level detected in seawater since the nuclear crisis at the plant started in March 2011, the utility said Monday.
The latest announcement was made after Tepco detected high levels of radioactive tritium and strontium in groundwater from an observation well at the plant.
Indeed, the amount of radioactive strontium has skyrocketed over the last couple of months at Fukushima.
The New York Times writes:
Tokyo Electric Power, the operator of the stricken nuclear power plant at Fukushima, said Wednesday that it had detected high levels of radioactive strontium in groundwater at the plant, raising concerns that its storage tanks are leaking contaminated water, possibly into the ocean.
The company has struggled to store growing amounts of contaminated runoff at the plant, but had previously denied that the site’s groundwater was highly toxic….
Xinhua reports:
Very high radioactivity levels were detected in groundwater from an observation well at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, said the plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co.

The US Economy Set To Crash Very Hard (Video)

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The US Economy Set To Crash Very Hard (Video)

Press TV conducted an interview with veteran Today Financial expert Mike Harris. Mike Harris has over thirty years experience in manufacturing, finance and technology development. A participant in domestic and international start-ups, acquisitions and mergers. For alittle while the calls of the economic meltdown had died down but in the last month things have picked up again.

Very Bad News for Europe’s Young People

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Very Bad News for Europe’s Young People

If young people in Europe were a company, I would be telling you to sell the stock.
Why? Well, because politicians want to help them. And, as perfectly illustrated by this Eric Allie cartoon (as well as the cartoon he has at the bottom of this post), government at best unintentionally harms those it tries to help.
To see what I’m talking about, here’s some of what the EU Observer is reporting today.
EU leaders gathering in Brussels on Thursday (27 June) for a two-day summit will again turn to measures aimed at helping young people to get jobs, as unemployment figures soar in southern countries. The summit kicks off at 4.30pm local time with a meeting between leaders, trade unions and employers’ associations, to hear what actions they are taking to boost youth employment. …The European Commission has already drafted a paper on how the EIB could boost its lending powers. Its loans are used mostly by small and medium enterprises, which could hire more young people if they get the money to fund expansion. Under the most ambitious scenario, EIB lending could exceed €100 billion.

Tracking Snowden: Chartered Russian Jet lands in Reykjavík early this morning

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Tracking Snowden: Chartered Russian Jet lands in Reykjavík early this morning

WHERE’S ED? Snowden has been marooned in Moscow’s transit lounge for 4 days now. Is he still in Russia? Our readers can decide for themselves… 21st Century Wire REYKJAVIK, Iceland - Yesterday evening June 26th, at approximately 3:00am Iceland time, an in-bound Russian Sukhoi Super Jet 100-95 chartered flight landed at Keflavik International Airport, after being held in a holding pattern for approximately 45 minutes while circling the airport.

Possible Coup In Egypt As Country Prepares For Epic Unrest

Troop reinforcements and armour have been brought to army bases near cities ahead of protests this weekend aimed at forcing the Islamist president out, security officials have said. Clashes between supporters and opponents of President Mohammed Morsi erupted, killing at least one person in the coastal city of Mansoura. The troop movements accompanied speculation over the army's role in the crisis leading up to Sunday's protests. Islamists accuse activists of paving the way for a coup, a charge that the opposition vehemently denies.

Andrew Cain, 19, Commits Suicide After Sheriff's Office Posts Sarcastic Facebook Message

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Andrew Cain, 19, Commits Suicide After Sheriff's Office Posts Sarcastic Facebook Message

A Washington teenager committed suicide Sunday after a local sheriff's department published a sarcastic Facebook post about him, according to multiple reports. The Latah County Sheriff's Office in Idaho had posted a photo of 19-year-old Pullman, Wash., resident Andrew Cain alongside a message saying, “We have decided that Andrew Cain is no longer the Wanted Person of the Week… he is the Wanted Person of the Month of June. Congratulations!," according to local CBS affiliate KREM-TV. A few days later, Cain took his own life.

The Snowden Case What You're Not Being Told - Storm Clouds Gathering Video

Is something going on with the Edward Snowden case that Americans still don't know about? What about this recent revelation from former Congressman Ron Paul, who said on his Facebook page: "My understanding is that espionage means giving secret or classified information to the enemy. Since Snowden shared information with the American people, his indictment for espionage could reveal (or confirm) that the US Government views you and me as the enemy." If nothing else, has this Edward Snowden case confirmed that the American people ARE THE ENEMY of the US Government? That surely would explain the Department of Homeland Security thugs stocking up on hollow point bullets, wouldn't it?

Christians Will Be Massacred If Assad Goes

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Christians Will Be Massacred If Assad Goes

Vine of Life News, your premier Christian news source. From Catholic Online :
Christians preceded Muslims in calling Syria their home. They must not be forced to leave this ancient and holy land. We are living in a new missionary age. Whether in the West, where the memory of Christian influence fades under increasing persecution inflicted by rabid secularism and godless materialism and nihilism, or in the East, which bleeds under the overt persecution from Jihadists and despots, the challenge we face grows daily and cries out for both prayer and action.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

6 Unbelievable Ways The Big Banks Are Scamming You

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6 Unbelievable Ways The Big Banks Are Scamming You

Five years since the crash, the big banks continue to screw over their customers. June 19, 2013 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. It is going on five years since the financial crash and three years since President Obama signed the meager Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, and the big banks are still scamming and conning and ripping off their customers.

Can The Govt REALLY Hack Into Your Car?

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Can The Govt REALLY Hack Into Your Car?

With the recent death of journalist Michael Hastings and 'conspiracy theories' popping up all over, TheYoungTurks ask the question that we all want to know the answer to, can the government REALLY hack into our cars? The answer might surprise you. According to a prominent security analyst, technology exists that could've allowed someone to hack his car. Former U.S.

Obama Fact Sheet:: Since Becoming President, Barack Obama Has... It's All Here!

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Obama Fact Sheet:: Since Becoming President, Barack Obama Has... It's All Here!

Many Americans today just feel that something is not right in America, something is just not right with our government, but they can't put their finger on it. Well I felt the same way, so I have been searching for reasons why people may feel this way. Some folks have expressed that many people are abusive and demeaning to people who feel that something just isn't right. I've had people say, "I can't put my finger on it, but I can feel it in my stomach" Have you ever felt like this?

Atlantic Ocean May Disappear Soon

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Atlantic Ocean May Disappear Soon

Pravda 25.06.2013 According to some scientists, the Atlantic Ocean is rapidly "aging" and may soon disappear from the face of the Earth. A team of researchers from Australia found a quickly forming subduction zone on the ocean floor. Usually these zones are a sign of "aging." Scientists do not rule out that their formation is to be blamed on the Mediterranean Sea that has been "dying" for a long time. For many of us the oceans are symbols of eternity and immutability, but in fact they are not.

The Surveillance State: How the War on Drugs and the War on Terror Go Hand in Hand

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The Surveillance State: How the War on Drugs and the War on Terror Go Hand in Hand

Kevin Hayden –
Source: Lady Bud
The philosophical underpinnings of America have traditionally been based on constraining the federal government through the interpretation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Americans though, have willingly given up their rights based on security concerns, fear and perception of crime.
These fears have largely been driven by politicians, the media and “the crime du jour” which sensationalizes horrific events with the promise that one more law will fix our communities, or save America from terrorists. These public safety security concerns started with the Drug War and have expanded in a further deterioration of our civil liberties in the post 9/11 decade.

The War on Terror is now firmly entrenched in American life. This permanent emergency has been supported in large part because of policy interests that create fear and juxtapose that fear to patriotism.

Report: Hidden Tariff On American Citizens In New Immigration Bill: Millions More Stand To Lose Their Jobs

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Report: Hidden Tariff On American Citizens In New Immigration Bill: Millions More Stand To Lose Their Jobs

Leave it to the best and brightest in Congress to craft legislation that does more harm than good.
Amid a national employment crisis that has left one in every three Americans near poverty and on government welfare, our dear leaders have taken it upon themselves to legislate millions more out of jobs.
The Obamacare mandates slated to go into effect next year will force employers to provide health care coverage, or pay a fine to the government of $3000 per employee if they fail to do so. This is a job killer in and of itself, but it doesn’t stop there.
Under the immigration legislation making its way through Congress right now there exists a provision that will allow illegal immigrants residing in the United States the option of being classified as “registered provisional immigrants,” which means they can work legally within the United States. It sounds like a great idea to the progressive-minded.
Here’s the problem.
“Under Obamacare, businesses with over 50 workers that employ American citizens without offering them qualifying health insurance could be subject to fines of up to $3,000 per worker. But because newly legalized immigrants wouldn’t be eligible for subsidies on the Obamacare exchanges until after they become citizens – at least 13 years under the Senate bill – businesses could avoid such fines by hiring the new immigrants instead.”
What the new legislation essentially does is place a tariff on hiring American citizens.
Estimates suggest that well over thirty million immigrants, perhaps more, will benefit from the law.
Who won’t benefit?
That’d be the 23% of Americans who have lost their jobs over the last five years, and the millions more who are struggling to stay gainfully employed in the worst labor market since the great depression.
You see, coupled with Obamacare the immigration bill gives employers absolutely no incentive to hire Americans.

Why Is The U.S. National Security Council Staff Meeting A Radical Cleric Who Supports Suicide Bombers, Hitler, And Jihad In Syria?

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Why Is The U.S. National Security Council Staff Meeting A Radical Cleric Who Supports Suicide Bombers, Hitler, And Jihad In Syria?

The UK and U.S. have banned Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who leads the anti-Israel International Union of Muslim Scholars. The Obama administration invited that group's VP, Abdallah bin Bayyah, to a private meeting on the day it announced support for Syria's rebels. The organization ended its December 2012 board meeting by calling for the end of Israel and the return of its lands to the Palestinians The White House's National Security Council has confirmed that staffers held a June 13 meeting with Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah, an Islamist cleric who shares leadership of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, where he is vice-president and the terror supporter Yusuf al-Qaradawi is president.

Aaron Hernandez Hit With Murder Charge: Former New England Patriots NFL Star Ordered Held Without Bond

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Aaron Hernandez Hit With Murder Charge: Former New England Patriots NFL Star Ordered Held Without Bond

NFL star Aaron Hernandez, who was arrested this morning in relation to the death of a friend, has been charged with murder and ordered held without bond. The New England Patriots released Hernandez after he was arrested for the murder of Odin Lloyd.

ABOMINATION: National Cathedral Rings Bells to Cheer Gay Marriage

ABOMINATION: National Cathedral Rings Bells to Cheer Gay Marriage WEB Notes: We have been saying it over and over again Mainstream Christianity fails to teach God's Word. Instead they teach the doctrines of man. It should be abundantly clear to the Christian reader what times we are in. When the churches of America ring bells for homosexual marriage when God said it is a sin worthy of death you better watch out!

Syria Militants Behead Two Christians (Video)

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Syria Militants Behead Two Christians (Video)

Two Christians, one of them a priest, have been beheaded by militants because they were suspected of cooperating with the Syrian military. A video uploaded to the internet yesterday shows two men with their hands bound, surrounded by dozens of people, many of them armed and cheering in celebration. Obama backed rebels, western backed rebels. The knife probably says made in the usa on it.