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One Week Of US Military Spending Would Wipe Out World Hunger
As continued reports of expensive and devastating military drone strikes roll in from overseas, which have actually taken the lives of US citizens in addition to countless innocents, virtually no one is talking about the very realistic expense of literally solving world hunger. An overall expense that has been calculated to be about $30 billion per year. To put that into perspective for you, the US military spent $737 billion on ‘military defense’ in 2012, $30 billion of which is about 8 days of such an expenditure. if you ever thought all was right with the way the system works, this proves that it does not.
Global Financial Warfare Simulation
According to videographer bobbychristopher, this video is a consolidated visual representation of the book "Currency Wars" by James Rickards. Will the current 'global financial war' going on have the same results as this? The debasement of the dollar, bailouts in Greece and Ireland, and Chinese currency manipulation are unmistakable signs that we are experiencing the start of a new currency war. Fought as a series of competitive devaluations of one country's currency against others, currency wars are one of the most destructive and feared outcomes in international economics.
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