Thursday, June 20, 2013

Kansas Town Builds 2 Million SQ. Foot Underground Survival “Resort” To Prepare For End of World

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Kansas Town Builds 2 Million SQ. Foot Underground Survival “Resort” To Prepare For End of World

Act now and you can reserve your spot in the Vivos Group “Ark” to wait out the end times. What is this mysterious “Ark”? Why it’s no less than a private, underground, bomb shelter being built in a former US military bunker near Atchison, Kansas!
With whispers of war constantly being sounded, maybe a spot underground is a good idea?
Apparently Vivos Group is a company that builds individual bomb shelter-like structures in people’s back yards, but now they want to take their idea to the next level by building a larger underground community for an unknown number of families in the abandoned military installation in Kansas 50 miles northwest from Kansas City, Missouri.
The installation was owned by the U.S. government and was used to store munitions and other “things,” exactly what no one in the public sector knows, but was sold off to a private investment firm that is now reaching out to see if they can rent the grounds to any businesses.
The “caverns” as the citizens of Atchison call it, are up to 150 feet below ground and are surrounded by stable limestone.

New Zombie Film Drew on Horrors in Real Life for Plot (+Video)

When executives at Paramount Pictures decided to modify the upcoming zombie apocalypse film World War Z to delete a reference to China as the origin of the zombie virus, they expected China’s censors to approve the film for a theatrical release in the country—the world’s second largest movie market. However, the film, which opens on June 21 in the United States, was rejected by China’s censorship authorities, according to entertainment blog, citing a source “familiar with upcoming releases in China.” A Paramount executive denied the news and told the blog that the studio had not yet received a response from China. According to, the scene in question showed the characters debating the location where the outbreak of the zombie virus began, which in the book was China. Paramount executives had the scene deleted preemptively to ensure that the film will score a deal to play in China’s theaters.

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